3981 results found
Health topics
… and Stings and Spider Bites On this page: Overview Check Your Symptoms Self-Care Preparing For Your Appointment … have more severe reactions to bites or stings. Babies and children may be more affected than adults are. Examples of … unless: You cannot travel safely either by driving yourself or by having someone else drive you. You are in an …
Health topics
… Health Tools Cause Symptoms What Happens What Increases Your Risk When To Call Examinations and Tests Treatment … some physical problems caused by MS. You can also help yourself at home by eating balanced meals, getting regular … Your Risk. Some research suggests that where you lived as a child and viral illnesses you have had could be triggers for …
Health topics
… pain in an arm or a leg. Usually the pain is in a part of your body where you had surgery or an injury. The pain is … stimulation (TENS). Hydrotherapy. Setting goals, pacing yourself, and prioritizing activity. Relaxation techniques. … Activity and exercise, including taking breaks and pacing yourself. Education One of the best things you can do to …
Health topics
… you on to do more. You don't start out trying to change your whole life." Fitting all foods into her healthy eating … things that makes you resent healthy eating is depriving yourself of things that are tasty and yummy." To avoid … things that makes you resent healthy eating is depriving yourself of things that are tasty and yummy." To avoid …
Health topics
… this page: How it Spreads What Increases Your Risk Prevention Symptoms What Happens When to Call a … caused by an infection. The infection occurs most often in children, teens, and young adults. Also at risk are older … A stiff and painful neck, especially when you try to touch your chin to your chest. Fever. Headache. Vomiting. Trouble …
Health topics
… Marine Stings and Scrapes On this page: Overview Check Your Symptoms Self-Care Preparing For Your Appointment Check … to light. Severe reactions are most likely to occur in children and small adults. Severe toxic reactions to the … unless: You cannot travel safely either by driving yourself or by having someone else drive you. You are in an …
Health topics
… dementia. Dementia is a loss of mental skills that affects your daily life. It can cause problems with memory, … The person may become angry or agitated, or clingy and childlike. They may wander and become lost. Even with the … the future Talk openly and honestly with your doctor. Let yourself grieve. It is common to feel angry, scared, …
Health topics
… Rectal Problems On this page: Overview Check Your Symptoms Self-Care Preparing For Your Appointment … Pinworms are the most common cause of anal itching in children. An infection you get from an animal is called a … unless: You cannot travel safely either by driving yourself or by having someone else drive you. You are in an …
Health topics
… happens when too much iron builds up in the body. Your body needs iron to make hemoglobin, the part of your … is an autosomal recessive disorder that can be passed to a child from the parents. Hemochromatosis can be found early … disease (such as blood transfusions). How can you care for yourself? At home, you can take steps to make sure you are …
Health topics
… radiation exposure, the number of exposures over time, and your age at exposure. In general, the younger you are when … from a CT scan is less than 1 in 1,000. The risk of a child getting cancer from the same CT scan can be much … the same as 200 chest X-rays. What can you do to protect yourself? You can't avoid radiation that occurs around you …