3981 results found
Health topics
… Tips Chronic Illness: Help for Caregivers Coping When Your Child Is Near the End of Life Coronary Artery Disease: … the Caregiver Self-Care for AIDS Caregivers Taking Care of Yourself When You Have a Child With Physical, Emotional, or …
Health topics
… general feeling of illness (malaise). How can you care for yourself? Home treatment for seabather's eruption can help … control itching. Do not use the hydrocortisone cream on children younger than age 2 unless your doctor tells you to. …
Health topics
… wrong, or "bad." Were sexually or physically abused as a child. Lost their mother or father during early childhood. … These problems include irritable bowel syndrome, migraines, asthma, and nervous bladder. The type of therapy and how … therapy may be used. It's often helpful to involve your partner in the therapy. Erection …
Health topics
… or other injury. If you have a removable splint, follow your doctor's instructions and only remove the splint if … to hold the injured area in place. How can you care for yourself when you wear a splint? General care Follow your … to hold the injured area in place. How can you care for yourself when you wear a splint? General care Follow your …
Health topics
… Muscular strength and endurance are two important parts of your body’s ability to move, lift things and do day-to-day … and endurance are important for many reasons: Increase your ability to do activities like opening doors, lifting … and bones. Improve confidence and how you feel about yourself. Give you a sense of accomplishment. Allow you to …
Health topics
… over his food choices. "If you're going to prepare it yourself, you're much better off than if you were going to … over his food choices. "If you're going to prepare it yourself, you're much better off than if you were going to …
Health topics
… Overview Cause Symptoms What Happens What Increases Your Risk When To Call Examinations and Tests Treatment … rid of the calories you've eaten (purging) by making yourself vomit, fasting, exercising too much, or misusing … may feel suicidal . Warning signs of possible suicide in children and teens can include being preoccupied with death …
Health topics
… is a way to relax and socialize. But if you are watching your weight or just are concerned with healthy eating, … healthy food choices when you get too hungry. Think about your portions. Restaurants often serve portions that are … portions, split a meal with someone else, or save part of your meal for later. Choose menu items that contain fruits, …
Health topics
… Anxiety On this page: Overview Health Tools Check Your Symptoms Self-Care Preparing For Your Appointment … how you communicate. This makes it harder to express yourself creatively or function well in relationships. … anxious all their lives. This problem can occur at any age. Children who have at least one parent with the diagnosis of …
Health topics
… than an hour. How is it diagnosed? To diagnose Raynaud's, your doctor will ask you questions about your symptoms and … interested in trying any of these. How can you care for yourself? To prevent Raynaud's episodes or ease symptoms Run … interested in trying any of these. How can you care for yourself? To prevent Raynaud's episodes or ease symptoms Run …