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… second-hand smoke. You are more likely to give birth to a baby who weighs less than expected (low birth weight) if you smoke. And your baby may have a greater risk for sudden infant death … on the behaviour, brain, and prostate gland of a developing baby (fetus) or young child. footnote 9 , footnote 10 Health …
Health topics
… Family history may play a role. Problems that harm a baby's brain during pregnancy may help cause it. It is not … to problems during the mother's pregnancy that can harm a baby's developing brain and nervous system . These problems … such as cancer and heart disease, more likely. Having a baby . If you have schizophrenia and want to have a baby, …
Health topics
… parent, you may be tempted to use screens as a soother or babysitter. But stay away from that as best you can. Your … parent, you may be tempted to use screens as a soother or babysitter. But stay away from that as best you can. Your …
Health topics
Health topics
… of well-being and peace of mind. It's common to get the blues or become sad when you're disappointed. Most people … pregnancy. They're most common shortly after the birth of a baby ( postpartum depression ), or shortly before or during … and Drug Use Anxiety Problems After Delivery of Your Baby Sleep Problems, Age 12 and Older Suicidal Thoughts or …
Health topics