3857 results found
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… bone (femur) slips at the area where the bone is growing (growth plate or physis) and does not fit in the hip socket … more common in boys than in girls. What causes it? Rapid growth and an imbalance of hormones during adolescence may … of the condition. This often involves surgery to secure the growth plate (physis) with a single screw or with pins. …
Health topics
… may recommend amniocentesis if your chances of having a baby with a genetic condition or birth defect are higher … can detect certain problems, it can't guarantee that your baby will be born healthy. No test can do that. If the test shows that your baby may be born with a serious problem, you and your …
Health topics
… Last updated August 2, 2013 Find out about registering your baby's birth and signing up for various benefits. On this … is a legal document completed and submitted for every baby born in B.C. It creates an official record of your baby's birth and legal name, and identifies you as the …
Health topics
… cell phone, and other screens. Growth and Development, Ages 11 to 14 Years Growth and Development, Ages 15 to 18 Years Healthy Habits …
Health topics
… affection. But sometimes, you can try everything and your baby won't stop crying. Here are some tips that may help soothe and calm your baby down. Snuggle your baby close to your chest. Check your baby's diaper. Make …
Health topics
… more? What is dehydration? Dehydration means that your baby has lost too much fluid. This can happen when a baby hasn't been taking in enough breast milk or formula. Diarrhea, vomiting, or sweating can also cause a baby to lose too much fluid. Common signs of dehydration …
Health topics
… 50 (menopause) and your estrogen levels drop, endometriosis growth and symptoms will probably also stop. In some cases, … Fortunately, I did get pregnant, and ever since having my baby my periods have been so much better! Connie, age 35 My … Fortunately, I did get pregnant, and ever since having my baby my periods have been so much better!" — Connie, age 35 …
Health topics
… Conditions Basics What is an undescended testicle? As a baby boy grows inside his mother, he develops testicles . Early in his development, his testicles are in his belly. Normally, … testicle does not move into the scrotum as it should, the baby has an undescended testicle . In rare cases, both …
Health topics
… or be misshapen because the ganglion is near the growth cells for the fingernail. Because of the risk of … may return after treatment. Bone spurs (small, bony growths that form along a joint) are often present in the … or be misshapen because the ganglion is near the growth cells for the fingernail. Because of the risk of …
Health topics
… page: Overview Overview Counting your baby's movements is one way your doctor can tell that your baby is healthy. Most women—especially in a first pregnancy—feel their baby move for the first time between 16 and 22 weeks. The …