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3857 results found
Health topics
… first 6 months of breastfeeding. You can keep nursing your baby. In fact, breastfeeding usually helps to clear up infection, and nursing won't harm your baby. If you have mastitis, you may first notice a painful … you know you'll go more than 4 hours without feeding your baby, arrange to pump. Drink plenty of fluids. If you drink …
Health topics
… for making a birth plan. Choose where you want to have your baby. It could be a hospital, a birthing centre, or your … if you end up needing a C-section. Say how you want your baby to be cared for after delivery. You might want your baby to stay in the room with you rather than in the …
Health topics
… have the bacteria but have no infection from it. But your baby could get the infection during birth. It is unclear why … delivery. This will prevent giving the bacteria to your baby during delivery. If you're pregnant and gave birth … have the bacteria but have no infection from it. But your baby could get the infection during birth. It is unclear why …
Health topics
… Your body has been carefully designed to deliver your baby safely, and most births go smoothly, without any … birthing positions, or making arrangements to touch your baby's head during the birth. Examples of a birth wishes … if possible After the birth, we would like to have the baby placed on my chest, skin-to-skin Tom would like to cut …
Health topics
… an older child who has reached puberty (body hair or breast development): Call 9-1-1 or other emergency services. Get an … Babies and young children until the age of puberty For a baby or young child who has not reached puberty: Start CPR. … help arrives or the child is breathing normally. For a baby younger than 1 year Kneel or stand next to the baby
Health topics
… Having seizures during pregnancy can also harm the baby. And pregnancy causes changes in your body that may … Seizures or seizure medicine may cause damage to the baby very early in your pregnancy, before you even know that … of antiepileptic medicine poses the greater risk to your baby. In general, the recommendation is to only use one …
Health topics
… and accept help from others. Be kind to yourself. Your new baby takes a lot of work, but your baby can give you a lot of pleasure too. Don't worry about … some breast milk. A friend or family member can feed the baby while you sleep or recharge. Experts usually recommend …
Health topics
… injury to the end of a long bone near a joint may harm the growth plate. It needs to be checked by a doctor. Older … 10 is the worst pain you can imagine? Signs of pain in a baby or toddler are different than signs of pain in an older … under 3 years It can be hard to tell how much pain a baby or toddler is in. Severe pain (8 to 10) : The pain is …
Health topics
… problem may cause a child to not act normally. If your baby has colic , you may be concerned that a health condition is causing the excessive crying. Usually a baby with colic isn't crying because of pain or physical … to be aware that health problems or injuries can cause a baby to cry excessively. And it's important to watch for …
Health topics
… with Down syndrome usually have delayed speech and language development. Typically, these children have a much harder … as speech abilities develop. Simple measures can help your baby to develop speech and language skills: Look directly at your baby when you talk to him or her. Soon your baby will …