3857 results found
Health topics
… can affect your health, the health of your developing baby, and your ability to take care of yourself and your baby after birth. Women who experience depression during … alcohol to cope, leading to potential harm to the unborn baby Premature and low birth weight babies Difficulty …
Health topics
… they develop more insulin resistance. The risks to your baby. Your diabetes will put your baby at risk for birth defects. This is especially true if … pregnant can cause problems. For example, it can cause your baby to be very large. How can you prepare for a healthy …
Health topics
… serious health problems. But for a pregnant woman's growing baby, it can cause brain damage and vision loss. Still, the … woman getting the infection and passing it on to her baby is low. If you're pregnant or planning to have a baby and are worried that you may have toxoplasmosis, ask …
Health topics
… reaches full dilation and ends with the birth of your baby. You can expect strong contractions and an urge to … for more details. Third stage You’ve now delivered your baby and have entered into the third stage of labour. In … A health care provider will check and confirm that your baby is healthy. You’ll be able to cuddle your baby See …
Health topics
… It means that there's more fluid around your baby than there should be. In some cases, too much amniotic … during pregnancy (gestational diabetes). The fetus has a development problem. Examples are genetic conditions and … to measure the pockets of amniotic fluid that surround the baby. If these measurements show too much fluid, more tests …
Health topics
… Overview You have a choice of where to deliver your baby. Unless you have a high-risk pregnancy , you can decide to have your baby in a hospital, in a birthing centre, or at home. Each … want to think about include: Who you want to deliver your baby. What pain-relief options you want. The cost and what …
Health topics
… a free public health program for women having their first baby and ensures they both receive support during pregnancy … Partnership nurse: Having a healthy pregnancy and healthy baby Developing your parenting skills and preparation for … Building a strong network of support for you and your baby Nutrition and exercise Talking about your goals in life …
Health topics
… syphilis, and gonorrhea. If you have hepatitis C, your baby will need to be tested but not during the pregnancy. Testing is usually done when a baby is 12 to 18 months old. But it may be done sooner. … hepatitis C during pregnancy, they might spread it to their baby before or during delivery. It isn't spread through …
Health topics
… A partner's support is especially important for the mom and baby during this busy time. A woman who feels supported by … ease stress and aches as the pregnancy goes on. After the baby arrives Help feed, change, and bathe your baby. You can bring the baby to your nursing partner or do …
Health topics
… You may have trouble caring for and bonding with your baby. Postpartum depression is not the "baby blues," which usually go away within a couple of weeks. … get treated, the sooner you'll feel better and enjoy your baby. What causes it? Postpartum depression seems to be …