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Health topics
… birthing centres offer tubs or whirlpools for labour. If yours does, talk to your doctor or midwife about labouring … footnote 1 Sometime before you are ready to push your baby out, you will have help getting out of the tub. Delivering in water A water birth is the delivery of a baby while in a tub or pool of warm water. More research is …
Health topics
… Growing pains are leg pains that can hurt enough to wake your child at night. Although they can be very painful, they … problems. Growing pains can start as early as the toddler years, or they can start later in childhood. Sometimes teens … or calves and in both legs. There may be more pain if your child was more active during the day. The pain goes …
Health topics
… food with you at all times. These foods can quickly raise your blood sugar level. Eating quick-sugar food raises your blood sugar in 10 to 15 minutes. Choose fast-acting … than 15 grams of carbohydrate. For example, a child under 5 years old might only need 5 grams, and a child 5 to 10 years …
Health topics
… in a pack) X (Cost for pack) X 365 X (Total number of years the person has smoked or intends to smoke). What's … for many years, quitting smoking now can still increase your lifespan and improve the quality of your life. The best way to stop smoking is to get help and …
Health topics
… Gestational Diabetes: Giving Yourself Insulin Shots Actionset Overview If you have … High blood sugar can lead to problems for you and your baby. Insulin is given as a shot into the fatty tissue just … bottle or cartridge. When you use an insulin bottle for the first time, write the date on the bottle. Insulin stored at …
Health topics
… you make wise health decisions or take action to improve your health. Decision Points focus on key medical care … your doctor about genetic counselling and screening your baby. Your baby may be tested using a sample of your blood or an …
Health topics
… for acute kidney injury may be done daily until your kidneys are working again. You are connected to a filter (dialyzer) by tubes attached to your blood vessels. Your blood is slowly pumped from your … hemodialysis. It can be done in a hospital or centre or at home. If it's at home, you do the dialysis yourself, often …
Health topics
… Overview Childbirth and breastfeeding may affect your sexual desire. Exhaustion, breast soreness, your baby's demands, and recovery from childbirth may reduce your … But you may feel more comfortable having sex after the baby is born. Each woman's experience is different. You can …
Health topics
… birth, low birth weight, and health problems for you and your babies. And it raises the risk of one or more of the babies having a disability. Talk to your doctor about how you can increase your chances of conception and decrease the chances of …
Health topics
… A birthmark is a coloured mark on or under a newborn baby's skin. Some birthmarks show up soon after a baby is born. Most birthmarks are obvious at birth. Some … as propranolol or corticosteroids. Laser therapy. Surgery. Your options will depend on the type of birthmark, where it …