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Health topics
… symptoms of high blood sugar. Parents need to do a home blood sugar test on their child whenever they suspect … sugar. Mild high blood sugar You may have mild symptoms if your blood sugar levels are consistently higher than your target range. Some people may not notice any symptoms …
Health topics
… fractures of the spine. The procedure can return your vertebrae to a more normal shape. Your doctor may numb the area, or you may get medicine to … It takes about an hour to treat each vertebra. You may go home that day, or you may spend the night in the hospital. …
Health topics
… and plan for, which can be overwhelming. You may notice your moods changing often. And when you're pregnant, your … It may help to write down your fears about having a baby or becoming a parent. Share this with someone you … It may help to write down your fears about having a baby or becoming a parent. Share this with someone you …
Health topics
… will teach you about eating well and about controlling your blood sugar levels. You will learn how to manage … problems. You will find helpful tips on how to take care of your feet, and you will learn how to manage other health … Level Record for a Child High Blood Sugar Level Record Home Blood Sugar Diary How Diabetes Causes Blindness How …
Health topics
… Older adults are more likely to drink or use substances at home rather than in public. Older adults may not have duties … get a prescription renewed. You don't take medicine as your doctor directs, such as not taking enough medicine or … Retiring, the death of a spouse or good friend, leaving your home, or being diagnosed with a disease can trigger …
Health topics
… that cause diseases. But just like with any other part of your body, there can be problems with your immune system. Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is an … HIV and Fatigue HIV and Pregnancy HIV and Weight Loss HIV Home Care HIV Infection in Health Professionals HIV …
Health topics
… symptoms? If you have a Jones fracture, the outer side of your foot may be painful, swollen, and tender. Your foot may look bruised, and you may have trouble … the fracture is. Small fractures are usually treated with home care, such as rest, ice, and pain medicine. Your doctor …
Health topics
… Overview A body digit or limb, such as your finger and toe (digits) or hand and foot (limbs), can … toys, pipes, railings, or fences. You may be able to free your digit or limb using home treatment. Blood flow can be reduced or cut off if your
Health topics
… Muscular strength and endurance are two important parts of your body’s ability to move, lift things and do day-to-day … and endurance are important for many reasons: Increase your ability to do activities like opening doors, lifting … stairs can also help. You can also do many exercises at home that don’t need equipment, such as push-ups and …
Health topics
… lice? Body lice are tiny insects that can make a temporary home in the seams of your clothing or bedding (sheets, pillows, and blankets). … are places where the seams of clothing can press against your skin. It's hard to see body lice on your body. It's …