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3987 results found
Health topics
… Alcohol and Drug Use in Young People Drug Use and Your Health Growth and Development, Ages 11 to 14 Years Current as of: March 22, 2023 Author: … Incorporated disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of this information. Your use of this information …
Health topics
… Antibiotics can get rid of the infection. You should have your blood tested regularly to check the strength of your immune system and to help your doctor decide if you … with your medicine. If you are taking IV medicine at home, follow your doctor's instructions. Get plenty of rest …
Health topics
… outside of the family, as well as disruptions to your family's normal routines. Here's how to cope. Try to … schedule. Keep things as normal as you can by keeping to your routines. For example, go to bed at the same time each … video calls. Staying in touch with people outside of your home will help you feel better. Limit media time. It's easy …
Health topics
… whether to adopt, think about: Why you want a child. Your feelings about not being genetically related to your child. How will you deal with maybe not knowing much … financial status, and employment status. They also require home studies by social workers and physician health …
Health topics
… pregnancy for complications. It may involve some bedrest at home or in the hospital. Being on expectant management may mean you are advised to stop working, reduce your activity level, or possibly spend a lot of time resting … have shown that strict bedrest for 3 days or more may raise your risk of getting a blood clot in the legs or lungs. …
Health topics
… (wires that conduct electrical current) from the machine to your skin. The electrodes are often placed on the area of … current, and for intensity of electrical current. Your physiotherapist, acupuncturist, or doctor usually … to and instruction in this therapy, you can do TENS at home. Why It Is Done People use TENS to relieve pain from …
Health topics
… trauma. Or they're things that make a child feel like their home isn't safe or stable. Some examples of ACEs include … doctors know about them, they can better support you and your family. How screening is done In most cases, ACEs … of questions you answered "yes" to. What happens next Your doctor will talk with you about your answers. They may …
Health topics
… save this information but don't think it is safe to take it home, see if a trusted friend can keep it for you. Plan … help, and memorize the phone number. Be careful online too. Your online activity may be seen by others. Do not use your personal computer or device to read about this topic. …
Health topics
… surgeon may repair, reposition, or replace the disc with your own tissue or an artificial disc. Scar tissue or bony … under general anesthesia . You can normally expect to go home the same day. When jaw joint movement cannot be … be given a mouthpiece (splint) to wear while rehabilitating your jaw. Why It Is Done Open-joint arthroplasty is used …
Health topics
… A health professional inserts a needle into a vein in your arm and removes about 500 mL (17 fl oz) of blood. The … you sit or lie down. During the procedure, they monitor your blood pressure and pulse. What To Expect Some people … You may want to have a family member or friend take you home after the procedure. Why It Is Done Excess iron is …