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Health topics
… are two types of teeth whitening. Bleaching. Bleaching your teeth changes the colour of the tooth enamel and … removes both surface stains and those deeper in the teeth. Your dentist can bleach your teeth at their office. Or you … type of teeth whitening. It can be done by a dentist or at home. For in-office bleaching, the dentist often combines …
Health topics
… be called either paraffin or wax) to apply moist heat to your hands or feet to ease the pain and stiffness of … Paraffin wax especially helps to reduce pain and loosen up your hand and finger joints before exercise. You will need: … Be sure to talk with your doctor before trying wax at home. And it's a good idea to have a physiotherapist show …
Health topics
… can get it. Using public showers and locker rooms increases your chances of getting jock itch. Fungi grow best in the … had jock itch in the past, you may recognize the symptoms. Your doctor can tell if you have jock itch after asking … of the skin, such as jock itch, can be treated at home with antifungal creams you can buy without a …
Health topics
… disease, you may want to know what you can do to help. Your loved one might need a little help with daily … someone to ask for the help and support they want or need. Your loved one may be waiting for you to offer help. Help … someone to quit smoking if there is another smoker in the home. Help and encourage your loved one to be active. Help …
Health topics
… cancer. It's common to have many emotions, or none. And your feelings may change often, without warning. You may feel like your world has turned upside down and you've lost all … errands or pick up kids. Deliver meals or groceries to your home. Drive you to appointments. Go to doctor visits with …
Health topics
… is an inflammation of the hair follicles. Each hair on your body grows out of a tiny pouch called a follicle. You can have folliculitis on any part of your body that has hair. But it is most common on the beard … its own in about 2 weeks. You can take care of yourself at home with: A warm compress. This may ease itching and help …
Health topics
… things about being active, you may find it hard to change your lifestyle until you deal with the reasons you give yourself for not being active. Barriers to exercise include … embarrassed. Start with walking, or try an exercise DVD at home. Work with a fitness expert for a few sessions to help …
Health topics
… signs of this disorder you have, the more severe it may be. Your risk for opioid use disorder is higher if you have a … For these reasons, it is important to take them exactly as your doctor prescribes. Your body gets used to opioids, … can no longer do your main jobs at work, at school, or at home. You keep using, even though doing so hurts your
Health topics
… a healthy weight, and get regular checkups and screenings. Your doctor may recommend other things based on your personal health history. For example, taking aspirin to … the vaccine is right for you. Avoid toxins at work and at home. Stay away from harmful chemicals and other things that …
Health topics
… page: Overview Overview Coughing is your body's way of removing foreign substances and mucus from your lungs and upper airway passages. Productive coughs are … or prevent rest. Here are some things you can do at home to help you feel more comfortable when you have a …