1726 results found
Health topics
… device can cause skin cancer. Tanning devices are linked to basal cell cancer , squamous cell cancer , and the most … device can cause skin cancer. Tanning devices are linked to basal cell cancer , squamous cell cancer , and the most …
Health topics
… is obesity? Obesity means having an unhealthy amount of body fat. This puts your health in danger. It can lead to … your body uses energy (calories) when at rest, called your basal metabolic rate . Some people are born with higher … of body fat . Your doctor may also want to know your basal metabolic rate (BMR) to find out how many calories you …
Health topics
… is exposure to cold. In the cold, it's normal for the body to narrow the small blood vessels to the skin and to open the blood vessels to the inside parts of the body to keep the body warm. But with Raynaud's, the body … liquid before going outside. They may help raise your body temperature. Wear layers of warm clothing. Wear a hat. Do …
Health topics
… and Tests Testing For Birth Defects Health and Nutrition Body Changes Baby Development Emotions and Relationships … and your baby. Everything healthy that you do for your body helps your growing baby. Rest when you need it, eat … each day. footnote 2 ) Things that raise your core body temperature, such as doing hot yoga or using hot tubs and …
Health topics
… Alcohol has both immediate and long-term effects on your body, including an increased risk of injuries and chronic … others Making important decisions How alcohol affects the body The alcohol you drink moves into the bloodstream from … When all the alcohol is processed and eliminated from the body, BAC returns to zero. Your BAC and intoxication level …
Health topics
… newborns, are more likely to suffer injury from cold temperature exposure. They have a large body surface area compared with their weight. Their body heat is lost more rapidly when exposed to cold weather …
Health topics
… Heart Problems Pregnancy and Childbirth Sleep Problems Body Category Lists In this section you will find diseases and conditions grouped by body category. If you know what area of the body you are interested in learning about, choose the link …
Health topics
… Overview Heatstroke occurs when the body fails to regulate its own temperature and body temperature continues to rise, often to 40 °C (104 °F) …
Health topics
… care of yourself when your baby is fussy Caring for your body after birth You'll want to take good care of yourself … after giving birth. Learn more about ways to care for your body after delivering your baby. Managing bowel movements after pregnancy Your body after pregnancy Vaginal care after giving birth Alcohol …
Health topics
… Check Your Symptoms Overview A healthy body temperature is maintained by the nervous system . As the body temperature goes up, the body tries to stay at its …