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Health topics
… this page: Overview Overview Drugs that have been used in date rapes (sexual assaults) include flunitrazepam … . Learn how we develop our content . … Overview Drugs that have been used in date rapes (sexual assaults) include …
Health topics
… track of how well you are managing your asthma . If you have symptoms or an asthma attack , record the trigger (if possible), the symptoms, and what kind of medicine you used for relief and how well it worked. Also note if you had … track of how well you are managing your asthma . If you have symptoms or an asthma attack , record the trigger (if …
Health topics
… is roseola? Roseola (roseola infantum) is a mild illness caused by a virus . It is generally harmless and is most … A child with roseola may appear fussy or irritable and may have a decreased appetite, but most children behave almost normally. Roseola generally is a harmless viral …
Health topics
… symptoms of vertigo. It often is prescribed for people who have benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) and … over time they can reduce symptoms of vertigo. People who use this exercise usually are told to do several repetitions … symptoms of vertigo. It often is prescribed for people who have benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) and …
Health topics
… you gain self-confidence and respect for yourself. You can use recovery for substance use and mental health problems … family, friends, job, and community. Your recovery will have ups and downs. It's not a step-by-step process. It's a … family, friends, job, and community. Your recovery will have ups and downs. It's not a step-by-step process. It's a …
Health topics
… save time at the store, and save money. Menu planning tips Use the menu planner and grocery list shown below as you … well, and save half for other busy nights when you don't have time to cook. Check your pantry for all the ingredients … well, and save half for other busy nights when you don't have time to cook. Check your pantry for all the ingredients …
Health topics
… to give. Do not give aspirin to anyone younger than 18 because of the risk of Reye syndrome . Prevent dehydration. … But don't force your child to take fluids, which may cause your child to vomit. Let your child rest. Unless you see … head of the bed by putting wood blocks under the bed frame. Use saline nose drops and an aspirating bulb to clear your …
Health topics
… breath - rest; check with your healthcare provider if you have a family history of heart problems headaches - make … Examination for Pregnancy (PARmed X for pregnancy) © 2002, used with permission from the Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology, Inc. Useful resources Back pain in pregnancy Exercise during …
Health topics
… "Do you want to put your coat or your shoes on first?" Have happy goodbye routines when you and family members … other children Play with your toddler and teach sharing Use "yes" and "no" to clearly set reasonable limits. Briefly … toys and people Enjoy older children but not play with them Have a security toy or blanket Useful resources Emotional …
Health topics
… Physical changes You may feel tired, gain weight or have mood changes during the first trimester. This is …