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2000 results found
Health topics
… not feel like talking, taking part in group activities, or being around other people. Stay active. Take a walk, go for a bike ride, or do some other … not feel like talking, taking part in group activities, or being around other people. Stay active. Take a walk, go for …
Health topics
… hopeless or that the world and other people aren't safe. Being overwhelmed by certain emotions, such as anxiety, … hopeless or that the world and other people aren't safe. Being overwhelmed by certain emotions, such as anxiety, …
Health topics
… weight if you need to, and staying at a healthy weight. Being active on most, if not all, days of the week. Not smoking. … things that can affect your cholesterol levels include: Being overweight. Not getting much physical activity. …
Health topics
… giving birth, your body begins to heal and adjust to not being pregnant. This is called postpartum (or the postpartum … after your baby is born can be a time of excitement—and of being very tired. You may look at your wondrous little baby … How do I manage postpartum depression? How can I stay active when I have young children? What should I know about …
Health topics
… problems. One example is heat edema from working or being active in a hot environment. Body fluid can collect in … allergic reaction  can start within minutes of eating or being exposed to an allergen. While symptoms usually occur …
Health topics
… consent for research if needed. Find out if any research is being done at the camp. Make sure that you understand what … consent for research if needed. Find out if any research is being done at the camp. Make sure that you understand what …
Health topics
… losing weight if needed, eating a healthy diet, and being more active. A doctor may prescribe medicines for related … losing weight if needed, eating a healthy diet, and being more active. A doctor may prescribe medicines for …
Health topics
… There are things you can do to help prevent a relapse. Be active in your own recovery. Work with your doctor and take … Common signs of relapse include: Staying away from or not being interested in other people. Forgetting things. Having … signs of a relapse. They include: Staying away from or not being interested in other people. Forgetting things. Having …
Health topics
… you from getting COVID-19. And if you do get COVID-19 after being vaccinated, you're much less likely to get seriously … end sooner. Then things can return to normal. That means being able to safely go out and see friends and family, meet … you from getting COVID-19. And if you do get COVID-19 after being vaccinated, you're much less likely to get seriously …
Health topics
… physical symptoms. These can include having headaches or being tired all the time. Anyone can get generalized anxiety … stomach, or out of breath. Feeling like you can't relax. Or being startled easily. Having problems falling or staying … physical symptoms. These can include having headaches or being tired all the time. Anyone can get generalized anxiety …