2127 results found
Health topics
… also feel better and will probably find your own personal benefits as well. Your sense of taste and sense of smell may … get better after you quit. You may tire less easily after physical activity. Athletes perform better after they quit smoking. …
Health topics
… For example, it's good for your heart if you get regular physical activity, avoid drinking too much, and avoid smoking. Some … people who use it get just one dose each year. What are the benefits of these medicines? Some women may benefit more …
Health topics
… healthy. In addition to teaching children good eating and activity habits, you can also teach them some basic health … and enjoy healthy foods. Be active. Help your children find physical activities and hobbies they enjoy. Limit daily … active. For example: Don't have sex until you're ready, physically and emotionally. Always use protection. Know the …
Health topics
… whether special adaptations such as hand brakes are needed. Physical exercises, to increase good posture and joint … in which occupational therapy can help are: Mental and physical impairments a person has had since birth. Recovery … Kathleen Romito MD - Family Medicine Joan Rigg PT, OCS - Physical Therapy Current as of: March 1, 2023 Author: …
Health topics
… On this page: Social and emotional milestones Play and activity Social and emotional play and activity Social and emotional milestones Here is a list of … insecurity with situations that were previously OK Play and activity Be sure to spend lots of time with your baby. Talk …
Health topics
… Find information and resources on the importance of physical activity for general health and different types of chronic … conditions. Access helpful information on facilitating physical activity behaviour change in Helping You Make It …
Health topics
… weight gain. This may include questions about eating and physical activity habits . Regular checkups for health problems will … not even using the bathroom scale. Move more . Make fun physical activity a part of your family's daily life. Set …
Health topics
… done in the doctor's office or at a hospital. What are the benefits? AAA screening can find large bulges that might … the risks are. Repairing an AAA can be very risky. The benefits outweigh the risks when the aneurysm is at risk of … AAA If you have an AAA, it might be found during a routine physical examination or during an X-ray, ultrasound, or …
Health topics
… doctor or pharmacist first. Alcohol and falls Age-related physical changes can make getting around more challenging. … and fast reaction times. Drinking alcohol decreases brain activity, distorts vision and hearing, and affects your … out to a care provider or find services for support: Sudden physical or mental health changes Confusion, memory loss, or …
Health topics
… Here are some details to help you learn more. What are the benefits? Getting the vaccine The vaccine protects you from … are much worse than side effects from the vaccine. The benefits of getting the COVID-19 vaccine far outweigh the … Here are some details to help you learn more. What are the benefits? Getting the vaccine The vaccine protects you from …