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2127 results found
Health topics
… include depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts, and physical illness. If you or someone you know experiences any … Overwhelming fear is also common. Trigger episodes of physical symptoms (anxiety attacks) that you might mistake … heartbeat changes, dizziness, sweating, and shaking. Physical illness People who have chronic medical conditions …
Health topics
… cigar about once a week) How long has it been since I quit? Physical exercise What type of exercise do I do? (for … and what to do to prepare for it What are the risks and benefits of medicine, surgery, or other treatment? Fill in … and what to do to prepare for it What are the risks and benefits of medicine, surgery, or other treatment? Fill in …
Health topics
… and how bad it is. The child's age, general health, and activity level. Check Your Symptoms Does your child have a … hip. Have your child stop, change, or take a break from any activity that may be causing pain or soreness. For sleep, … and how bad it is. The child's age, general health, and activity level. Check Your Symptoms Does your child have a …
Health topics
… exercise. Mild exercise would be slow walking, and moderate activity would be brisk walking. If you can do moderate … such as chest pain, it's fine for you to have sex. Being physically active—getting regular exercise—can help you … doctor about any concerns you have about sex. Talk about physical problems that prevent you from having or enjoying …
Health topics
… Your first prenatal visit includes a health history, physical examination, and blood and urine tests. … body best handle labour, delivery, and recovery. Moderate activity such as brisk walking or swimming is ideal during … a pregnancy. Working or going to school , if it isn't too physically demanding, is usually fine during pregnancy. …
Health topics
… training Last updated March 1, 2017 One important type of physical activity is resistance training (also known as strength … training, weight training or weight lifting). This is any activity that uses your muscles and improves your strength. …
Health topics
… Injury prevention Last updated March 1, 2017 Being more physically active can help you feel better, deal with stress … suited to your abilities and fitness level. Before doing an activity, warm up your muscles. Then cool down afterwards. Increase your activity level gradually and keep your medical history or …
Health topics
… about as busy as you. Talk with them about how they fit in physical activity. Think of ways to manage your time better. Ask your … or humid, take precautions. "I don't have the money." Being physically active doesn't need to cost money. Just parking …
Health topics
… low blood sugar. Hypoglycemia can be caused by doing more physical activity than usual, not eating on time or enough, or taking … You may need to change the way you eat, change your physical activity level and monitor your blood glucose …
Health topics
… artificial hydration and nutrition will depend on: The benefits and risks of using (or not using) these treatments. … risks of artificial nutrition and hydration outweigh the benefits. What are the benefits of artificial hydration and … linked to IVs and feeding tubes is the limits they pose on activity. Being connected to tubes or an IV may limit your …