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Health topics
… benefits will outweigh the risks of taking these medicines. Birth control pills (oral contraceptives) may help reduce cyclic … periods. But breast pain is also a known side effect of birth control pills. Preventing breast pain You may be able …
Health topics
… Basics What is spina bifida? Spina bifida is a type of birth defect called a neural tube defect. It occurs when the … can't see the defect, but some people may have a dimple, birthmark, or hairy patch on their back. Most people with … a brace, a wheelchair, or other aids. Children with bladder control problems may need help using a catheter each day to …
Health topics
… Babies born with PKU need to start treatment soon after birth. What causes it? Phenylketonuria (PKU) is passed down … phenylketonuria (PKU) is not found and treated soon after birth, symptoms usually start to appear within a few months … who is planning to have a baby needs to be very careful to control her phenylalanine levels. Babies born to mothers who …
Health topics
… most women. Many women celebrate a sense of freedom from birth control concerns and menstrual bleeding. Often women find … most women. Many women celebrate a sense of freedom from birth control concerns and menstrual bleeding. Often women …
Health topics
… pelvic pain depends on the cause. Common treatments include birth control pills or hormone treatment for problems related to … with the structure of the organs. Pregnancy and childbirth that put stress on the back and pelvis. Examples …
Health topics
… to open the cervix . This is the first stage of childbirth. In most pregnancies, this happens at 37 to 42 weeks. … labour. Preterm labour doesn't always lead to preterm birth, but it may. A baby born too early may have serious … (such as heart problems, severe pre-eclampsia, or poorly controlled diabetes or high blood pressure). Learn more …
Health topics
… in the throat and esophagus , call your local Poison Control Centre immediately for information on treatment. When you call the Poison Control Centre, have the chemical container with you, so you can read the contents label to the Poison Control staff member. Chemicals can cause skin burns or …
Health topics
… antibiotics sometimes causes this. Being pregnant, taking birth control pills that contain estrogen, or having hormone … having a sexually transmitted infection , using an IUD for birth control, and douching. Trichomoniasis. This is a …
Health topics
… nose. Structural problems in the nose, either present from birth (congenital) or caused by an injury. Low humidity. … (inherited). The abnormal blood vessels make it hard to control a nosebleed. A nosebleed that recurs 4 times or more … nose. Structural problems in the nose, either present from birth (congenital) or caused by an injury. Low humidity. …
Health topics
… usually affects only one eye. The problem starts between birth and about age 7. Your child may not even know that … the weak eye is an automatic response. Your child has no control over it. Early treatment usually can reverse … else in your family had it or if your child had a premature birth or low birth weight. What are the symptoms? In most …