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1456 results found
Health topics
… the past 6 years, Bev has been able to keep her pain under control with over-the-counter pain medicine, natural health … you try it, you'll never know if it'll help." Taking back control At 76, Bev is not showing any signs of slowing down. … need it. "There are so many things in our life that we can control," says Bev. "And there are big things that we can't …
Health topics
… This is the first thing a doctor would do. Call a poison control centre for more information about how to treat the burn. When you call the poison control centre, have the chemical container with you, so you can read the content label to the poison control person. Keep flushing the eye for 30 minutes or …
Health topics
… Some medicines can cause leg problems. A few examples are: Birth control pills and estrogen. These can increase the risk of … Some medicines can cause leg problems. A few examples are: Birth control pills and estrogen. These can increase the …
Health topics
… Examples include: Thiazide diuretics . Corticosteroids . Birth control pills (oral contraceptives) and progesterone. … Examples include: Thiazide diuretics . Corticosteroids . Birth control pills (oral contraceptives) and progesterone. …
Health topics
… from producing enough cortisol . Production of cortisol is controlled by the action of ACTH. ACTH is produced by the … is sometimes caused by severe blood loss after giving birth. What are the symptoms? With secondary adrenocortical … is sometimes caused by severe blood loss after giving birth. What are the symptoms? With secondary adrenocortical …
Health topics
… to open the cervix . This is the first stage of childbirth. In most pregnancies, this happens at 37 to 42 weeks. … Early labour Early labour is often the longest part of the birthing process, sometimes lasting 2 to 3 days. … measures, such as breathing techniques or massage, to control pain and anxiety. Or you may want medicine for pain, …
Health topics
… is urination during sleep. Children learn bladder control at different ages. Children younger than 4 often wet … kidney or bladder infection ( urinary tract infection ) or birth defects that affect the urinary tract . Emotional stress , such as may result from the birth of a brother or sister, can also be something that …
Health topics
… Rhonda O'Brien Taking charge of your type 2 diabetes means controlling your blood sugar. But to control your blood sugar, you have to test it, says Rhonda … your local hospital. Healthy eating and activity help you control blood sugar "You don't have to follow a strict diet. …
Health topics
… of the kidney arteries. Certain medicines, such as birth control pills, amphetamines, some antidepressants, steroids, … of the kidney arteries. Certain medicines, such as birth control pills, amphetamines, some antidepressants, …
Health topics
… can also happen. For example, anticonvulsants can cause birth defects if they are taken during pregnancy. Botox can … toxin can spread and cause weakness in the muscles that control breathing or swallowing. What else can you do to … heart rate. Sleep and memory problems. Weight gain or loss. Birth defects. Facial weakness or bruising. Don't take …