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Health topics
… through many changes. You might feel different than you're used to. Early signs of pregnancy often happen suddenly. You … can take a pregnancy test with accurate results depends on how far into your pregnancy you are. And it depends on which … tests detect low levels of hCG in your body. They may show a positive result early during pregnancy, when a home …
Health topics
… harder to move your knee. You may notice some bruising. How is it diagnosed? The doctor will examine you and ask questions about your past health. You'll be asked how you injured your knee and about your symptoms at the … your skin. If your doctor recommended crutches or a brace, use them as directed. Prop up your leg on a pillow when you …
Health topics
… Overview Overview Stopping substance use, whether you use alcohol or illegal or prescription … can't avoid a trigger, bring a friend with you for support. How can you deal with a relapse? If you begin using drugs or … what to do if you have a lapse or relapse. Remind yourself how hard you've worked to stay sober or drug-free. Get …
Health topics
… get on your head. Pubic lice are also called "crabs" because they look like tiny crabs . Millions of people get pubic … inconvenient, but they're not dangerous. And you can learn how to treat them at home. What are the symptoms? Pubic lice … in your eyelashes, your eyes can get crusty or irritated. How are pubic lice treated? It's important to treat pubic …
Health topics
… a pit. Loose hair and skin debris trapped there can cause an infection or an abscess. It's also called a pilonidal … people may find it hard to walk or sit because of the pain. How is it diagnosed? A physical examination of the buttocks … heal or your doctor thinks there may be another problem. How is it treated? For a pilonidal cyst that isn't causing …
Health topics
… depression? Depression is a mental health condition that causes you to feel sad, lose interest in activities that you … have a hard time sleeping and may not feel like eating. How is it diagnosed? If your doctor thinks you are … They cannot afford the cost of doctor visits and treatment. How is depression treated in older adults? As in younger …
Health topics
… foodborne illness? C. perfringens foodborne illness is caused by infection with the Clostridium perfringens ( C. … . The disease usually is over within 24 to 48 hours. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will do a medical history … and blood tests may be done to confirm the diagnosis. How is C. perfringens foodborne illness treated? You treat …
Health topics
… occurs when the body has too much iron. The most common cause of iron toxicity is accidental overdose of iron pills. How can you prevent it? There are some things you can do to … is taking iron pills, follow your doctor's instructions on how much to take and for how long and whether your child …
Health topics
… What are shin splints? Shin splints are a condition that causes pain and sometimes swelling in the front part of the … the pain can continue even after you finish your workout. How are they diagnosed? Your doctor will be able to tell if … to rule out other conditions, such as a stress fracture . How are shin splints treated? In many cases you can use home …
Health topics
… End-stage renal disease affects your whole body. It can cause serious heart, bone, lung, blood, and brain problems. … between the lungs and the chest wall (pleural effusion). How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will do regular blood tests to check on how you're doing. The tests help your doctor know if you …