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Health topics
… that change your awareness, consciousness, or muscle control, you may not have the legal right to drive. Laws … agency about the requirements in your province. Some drugs used to control epilepsy may make you drowsy. If you just started a new drug, don't drive until you know how the drug will affect you. The laws about who can drive …
Health topics
… Sneezing Extreme fatigue or tiredness Headache Body aches Nausea or vomiting Diarrhea Sometimes people with COVID-19 … about symptoms of COVID-19, visit the BC Centre for Disease Control: Symptoms . If you have symptoms If you have … Disease Control: Testing for COVID-19 to learn more about how to get a COVID-19 test. You need to self-isolate while …
Health topics
… covered. Children should wash their hands each time they use the toilet and after they blow their nose, especially if … tissues and to cover the mouth when coughing or sneezing. Show your child how to hold the tissues so that drainage … Health and Safety, Ages 2 to 5 Years Health and Safety, Birth to 2 Years Healthy Habits for Kids Importance of …
Health topics
… you can also spread them to your baby before or during the birth. STIs are common. But they don't always cause symptoms. And if they are not treated, they can lead to … STIs. Questions to ask someone before having sex include: How many people have you had sex with? Have you had sex …
Health topics
… After a stroke, some people feel like they have lost control of their emotions. These feelings can come from one or both of two causes. A stroke can affect parts of the brain that control how you feel. You may have emotional reactions that are …
Health topics
… occur at any point along this electrical pathway. What causes it? Heart block can be caused by many things that … ( syncope ). And it may progress to complete heart block. How second-degree AV block is treated can depend on the type … may also occur after heart surgery and can be present from birth (congenital). Complete heart block frequently causes …
Health topics
… are not considered at high risk for HIV infection, because they use protection (such as gloves, masks, and goggles) … scraped, or broken skin. The degree of risk depends on: How much blood the person is exposed to. The amount of HIV … do if you are exposed to HIV. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends the following …
Health topics
… ability to do sports or be in the band. But if your child uses the medicines and keeps asthma symptoms under control, they will likely be able to do these activities. … you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Learn how we develop our content . … Overview Asthma is a …
Health topics
… orders, to have the best chance of keeping seizures under control. Missing a dose here or there or taking doses too … only understand it but also are following it. The main cause of treatment failure is due to not following the … may also contribute to it. The guidelines for when and how they are to take medicine may be too complicated. They …
Health topics
… know that Parkinson's disease is a condition that affects how you move. But the breakdown of nerve cells in Parkinson's disease can cause other symptoms. These other symptoms, also called … mostly related to the breakdown of the nerve cells that control involuntary body functions (the autonomic nervous …