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3970 results found
Health topics
… Rating of perceived exertion (RPE) can help you measure how hard your body is working when you exercise. To do this, … yourself as you exercise. For example, you think about how tired you are, how hard it is to breathe, and how hard it is to do the activity. An RPE is usually used as part of a cardiac rehab program. Your cardiac rehab …
Health topics
… hand, with batteries, or with electricity. If you plan to use a breast pump, you may want to research the different … types of pumps while you're pregnant. Think about: How often you will need to use the pump. How long you plan to breastfeed. How easy the pump is to …
Health topics
… Get Started Get Started These Interactive Tools are easy-to-use personal calculators. Use any of them to start learning … Do Your BMI and Waist Size Increase Your Health Risks? How Bad Are Your Urinary Symptoms From Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH)? How Do Temperatures Compare? Should I Consider Surgery for …
Health topics
… Information Overview The stage of a cancer describes how much cancer is in the body and where it is located. If the cancer has spread, the stage also includes how far it has spread. The grade describes how tumour cells … and grade of a cancer helps doctors know what treatment to use. It also helps predict how long the person will survive …
Health topics
… your child's issue and their training to address it. Ask how many children they have worked with on this type of issue. Ask the therapist to explain how they would evaluate and treat your child. Find out what treatment methods they use. Do they use treatment methods that are supported by …
Health topics
… the name of the surgical procedure? Why do I need surgery? How soon should surgery take place? What might happen if I … What is the next step if this surgery doesn't work? How much does the surgery cost? How can I find out? Can it … or open surgery)? What kind of anesthesia will be used (general, local, or regional)? How long will the …
Health topics
… your balance and walking Fatigue and emotional well-being How your brain works (cognition) Quality of life To … physical activity (e.g., brisk walking, cycling and household chores). Aiming for physical activity sessions of 20 … becoming more active. They can give you guidance about how to safely enjoy the benefits of physical activity if you …
Health topics
… the change involves tobacco, a drug, alcohol, or changing how you eat. For some people, knowing that something has to … quickly. For others, it can take years. But no matter how long it takes, many people find that asking themselves … the following questions? What qualities do I most want to use to describe myself? (For example: healthy, loyal, …
Health topics
… this page: Overview Overview When you use inhaled asthma medicine, you usually use a device that … This device is for children 4 years and older and adults. How well the DPI works may depend on how well you breathe in. Your doctor decides the amount of …
Health topics
… for your personal relationships and can help you learn how to take care of yourself. In all classes, you'll become … contact. Respond more quickly to others. Smile, frown, or use facial expressions that fit the situation. Talk as … that will help you with your treatment. These may include: How to manage your medicines. How to tell if your medicine …