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1829 results found
Health topics
… you may have fruit juice or table sugar on hand. Know the symptoms of low blood sugar. They include sweating, blurred vision, and confusion. Always carry a list of the symptoms with you. Check your blood sugar often. This is the … If you've had diabetes for many years, you may not have symptoms until your blood sugar is very low. Do not drive if …
Health topics
… can develop rapidly, within minutes. Treat low blood sugar symptoms as soon as you or your child notices them. How do … fruit juice, and hard candy (such as Life Savers). Know the symptoms of low blood sugar, such as sweating, shakiness, … how to check your child's blood sugar. Teach them the symptoms of low blood sugar and what to do when your child's …
Health topics
… The term "morning sickness" can be misleading, because symptoms can occur at any time of the day. The causes of … Vomiting is so severe that you are not able to drink fluids. Your vomiting has not gotten better with home … Vomiting is so severe that you are not able to drink fluids. Your vomiting has not gotten better with home …
Health topics
… tachycardia (SVT)—might be done if you have symptoms, you do not want to take medicine, or medicine has … P, et al. (2009). Meta-analysis of ablation of atrial flutter and supraventricular tachycardia. American Journal … P, et al. (2009). Meta-analysis of ablation of atrial flutter and supraventricular tachycardia. American Journal …
Health topics
… or other chronic conditions. A fever develops with other symptoms, such as symptoms of a kidney infection . Dehydration develops. A … Often the importance of a fever can only be seen when other symptoms are present. Pregnancy-Related …
Health topics
… hemoglobin S. Someone with this disease typically has symptoms of anemia , mild to life-threatening complications, … A person with this disease may have generally milder symptoms and a longer lifespan than a person with sickle … this disease may have mild anemia. Most people don't have symptoms. Hemoglobin SO disease and hemoglobin SD disease. A …
Health topics
… Don't use ET. Try other treatment for menopause symptoms and to prevent osteoporosis. Key points to remember … removed. Early menopause can cause hot flashes and other symptoms. ET lowers the number of hot flashes you have, and … you do have them. ET also helps with other early menopause symptoms, such as vaginal dryness and sleep problems. ET …
Health topics
… is then used to heat the inside of the prostate. Cooling fluid is circulated around the microwave antenna to prevent … surgery. Why It Is Done TUMT is done to help relieve the symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) . It is an … is then used to heat the inside of the prostate. Cooling fluid is circulated around the microwave antenna to prevent …
Health topics
… Overview Dry coughs that continue after other cold symptoms clear or that occur without other symptoms may be … people cough out of habit for no clear reason. Gastric reflux may also cause a chronic dry cough. Usually you will … of a dry cough include: Whooping cough (pertussis). Influenza . A swallowed or inhaled object. Mycoplasma …
Health topics
… Overview Understanding asthma can help you control your symptoms and reduce your risk of asthma attacks . The … I know what asthma is and what it does to me. I know the symptoms of asthma. I know how my asthma medicines help me. … prevent an asthma attack . I know how to treat my asthma symptoms. I know when my symptoms are serious enough to call …