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1829 results found
Health topics
… as the Rome III criteria, to help doctors determine whether symptoms are caused by irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). You meet the Rome III criteria for IBS if your symptoms began at least 6 months ago, you have had abdominal … or consistency of your stool. Having any of the following symptoms supports the diagnosis of IBS. A change in how …
Health topics
… a bladder infection . Flank pain with fever and urinary symptoms may mean you have a kidney infection … of the back. If you have pelvic or flank pain and other symptoms of a bladder or kidney infection, call your doctor. … a bladder infection . Flank pain with fever and urinary symptoms may mean you have a kidney infection …
Health topics
… sick to their stomach after getting this injection. These symptoms usually don't last very long. Serious side effects … sick to their stomach after getting this injection. These symptoms usually don't last very long. Other side effects … other treatments can help? You may be able to relieve your symptoms by making lifestyle changes or trying other …
Health topics
… Overview Triggers are things that make your heart failure symptoms worse. Triggers upset the delicate balance in your body, causing fluid to build up in your lungs and your body. This makes it … Triggers upset the delicate balance in your body, causing fluid to build up in your lungs and your body. This makes it …
Health topics
… you will want to monitor for and report any angina symptoms, such as chest pain or pressure, to your doctor. … could affect your BP and/or call your doctor. Angina Angina symptoms are caused by your heart muscle not getting enough … body. In any case, note if increased effort leads to any symptoms that can be relieved by rest or nitroglycerin. For …
Health topics
… They may also be used before exercise to prevent asthma symptoms. And they may be used to treat people who have only mild asthma symptoms now and then. (This is called intermittent asthma.) … if you are using them on more than 3 days a week for symptoms of an asthma attack (except before exercise). Talk …
Health topics
… talking about your trauma. This can help you cope with your symptoms, memories, and other parts of your life. Group … and to listen to others. You can talk about your PTSD symptoms and what triggers them. You also can discuss the … You may consider having individual therapy for your PTSD symptoms and family therapy to help you with your …
Health topics
… for a mental illness. How long they stay depends on their symptoms. But it's usually for several days or longer. It's … or others. A person also may go if they have mental illness symptoms, such as seeing or hearing things that aren't … A treatment plan. It may include a review of the person's symptoms or a diagnosis. It also can have treatment options, …
Health topics
… know when they are bleeding even before there are many symptoms. Work with your doctor to make a plan for what to … called a target joint, will tend to bleed most often. Symptoms of bleeding into a joint include: Warmth or … It can be mild or severe. There are many possible symptoms of bleeding into muscle, including: Bruising. …
Health topics
… Overview Leriche's syndrome is the term used for a group of symptoms that are caused by a certain type of peripheral … men, blood flow to the penis is also blocked. The following symptoms happen: Leg weakness or numbness. Pain in the … Overview Leriche's syndrome is the term used for a group of symptoms that are caused by a certain type of peripheral …