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1829 results found
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… have to use a wheelchair during a relapse. More advanced symptoms can include stiff, mechanical movements or … time. How will my MS develop? Some people will have wide fluctuations in symptoms and a modest degree of disability; … time. How will my MS develop? Some people will have wide fluctuations in symptoms and a modest degree of disability; …
Health topics
… page: Overview Overview At times, your symptoms may suddenly flare up and get much worse. This is … in your blood. Treatment may also include: Intravenous (IV) fluids to treat dehydration . Other bronchodilators. … in your blood. Treatment may also include: Intravenous (IV) fluids to treat dehydration . Other bronchodilators. …
Health topics
… flashes of light or zigzag lines may occur with other symptoms. If you have had floaters before, or if flashes of … your vision field. Lines or edges that appear wavy. These symptoms have a variety of causes, including: Age-related … flashes of light or zigzag lines may occur with other symptoms. If you have had floaters before, or if flashes of …
Health topics
… of how well you are managing your asthma . If you have symptoms or an asthma attack , record the trigger (if … of my best). My current long-term (controller) medicine is fluticasone. Example of an asthma diary Date AM/PM PEF … of my best). My current long-term (controller) medicine is fluticasone. Example of an asthma diary Date AM/PM PEF …
Health topics
… people who have peripheral arterial disease do not have any symptoms. But if you do have symptoms, you may have intermittent claudication. People … people who have peripheral arterial disease do not have any symptoms. But if you do have symptoms, you may have …
Health topics
… tachycardias), especially atrial fibrillation or atrial flutter, alternating with periods of very slow heart rates … on what is causing it. Treatment also depends on the symptoms. If the syndrome doesn't cause symptoms, it may not … tachycardias), especially atrial fibrillation or atrial flutter, alternating with periods of very slow heart rates …
Health topics
… last. If you are taking a new medicine. If you have other symptoms, such as fever, pain, or unplanned weight loss. You … doctor if you often have night sweats or you have other symptoms along with them. These might include fever, chills, … to write down how long the sweating lasts and any other symptoms you have. This may help your doctor find the cause …
Health topics
… to know if you're caring for someone who's sick. Treat the symptoms. Common symptoms include a fever, coughing, and … Urge the person to get extra rest and drink plenty of fluids to replace fluids lost from fever. To reduce a fever, offer …
Health topics
… surgery if: You continue to have severe, disabling symptoms despite careful attention to home and other non-surgical treatment. You have had symptoms for at least 6 to 12 months. You are an athlete and symptoms are affecting your performance or ability to take …
Health topics
… . In bipolar disorder, they are used to treat manic symptoms, such as reckless and impulsive behaviour. They are … personality disorder, they are used to help treat symptoms of psychosis. In depression, they may be used along … as tardive dyskinesia . Talk to your doctor if you have symptoms. These medicines may cause a fast or uneven …