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1829 results found
Health topics
… others from time to time throughout your life. What are the symptoms? The most common symptoms of mono include fever, … in bed until you feel well enough to be up. Drink plenty of fluids. For a sore throat, suck on lozenges or gargle with … in bed until you feel well enough to be up. Drink plenty of fluids. For a sore throat, suck on lozenges or gargle with …
Health topics
… both of your parents have had thyroid nodules. What are the symptoms? Most thyroid nodules do not cause symptoms and are so small that you cannot feel them. If your … a fast heartbeat, sweat a lot, lose weight, or have other symptoms of hyperthyroidism (too much thyroid hormone). Feel …
Health topics
… cannot drain from the eye properly. The duct may fill with fluid and become swollen, inflamed, and sometimes infected. … problems from surgery on or around the nose. What are the symptoms? Symptoms often affect only one eye. They may … gently massage the area of the blockage. This can prevent fluid buildup in the duct. Limit your child's time in the …
Health topics
… problems. Alcohol use. Stomach surgery. What are the symptoms? Symptoms can be different depending on how low your blood … tests might include not eating (fasting) and watching for symptoms. Other tests might involve eating a meal that could …
Health topics
… and the digestive tract can also be affected. What are the symptoms? Symptoms of ankylosing spondylitis include mild to severe … gets better slowly as you move around and are active. Early symptoms include: Dull pain in the back. Flares of increased …
Health topics
… such as high-fibre fruits and vegetables, may make your symptoms worse. No one diet is right for everyone with an … Keep a food diary. As soon as you know what foods make your symptoms worse, your doctor or dietitian can help you plan … for you. During a flare-up, avoid or reduce foods that make symptoms worse. Choose dairy products that are low in …
Health topics
… it can form a pocket of pus called an abscess. What are the symptoms? You may have no symptoms. But if the cyst gets … in the area. You may also have a fever. You may have cloudy fluid or blood draining from the cyst. Some people may find … in the area. You may also have a fever. You may have cloudy fluid or blood draining from the cyst. Some people may find …
Health topics
… to the dust or after your exposure has ceased. What are the symptoms? Many people don't have symptoms. People with black lung disease may get symptoms of progressive massive fibrosis (PMF). These may …
Health topics
… Gastroesophageal Reflux in Babies and Children On this page: … Information What is gastroesophageal reflux in babies and children? Gastroesophageal reflux happens … Reflux usually goes away as a baby matures. What are the symptoms? It is common for babies to spit up (have reflux) …