1829 results found
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… may increase the risk of hypospadias. Certain hormonal fluctuations, such as failure of the fetal testes to produce … of hypospadias and other genetic problems. What are the symptoms? Mild hypospadias usually does not cause symptoms, … may increase the risk of hypospadias. Certain hormonal fluctuations, such as failure of the fetal testes to produce …
Health topics
… problem or a side effect of certain medicines. What are the symptoms? The main symptom of premature ejaculation is an … problem or a side effect of certain medicines. What are the symptoms? The main symptom of premature ejaculation is an …
Health topics
… form is meningocele (say "muh-NIN-juh-seel"). In this form, fluid leaks out of the spine and pushes against the skin. … see a bulge in the skin. In many cases, there are no other symptoms. The most rare and severe form is myelomeningocele … such as leaking urine or having a hard time passing stools. Fluid buildup in the brain (hydrocephalus). Even when it is …
Health topics
… health problems. The lungs trap air or collapse, fill with fluid, and produce extra mucus . Most babies who have chronic lung disease survive. But symptoms may come back and need treatment into early … For example, your baby may be given a diuretic to keep fluid from building up in the lungs or a bronchodilator to …
Health topics
… information about what to expect after an abortion. Normal symptoms that most often occur include: Irregular bleeding … follow this general advice. Do not rinse your vagina with fluids (douche). This could increase your risk of infections … follow this general advice. Do not rinse your vagina with fluids (douche). This could increase your risk of infections …
Health topics
… pregnancy. Using cocaine during pregnancy. What are the symptoms? Some people with placenta previa don't have any symptoms. But others may have warning signs such as: … bright red, and the bleeding can range from light to heavy. Symptoms of preterm labour. These include regular …
Health topics
… to have another child with the condition. What are the symptoms? Many men who have Klinefelter syndrome do not have obvious symptoms. Others have sparse body hair, enlarged breasts, … testicles fail to grow, and you may start to notice other symptoms. To find out if your son has Klinefelter syndrome, …
Health topics
… cause of retinal detachment. These tears can happen when fluids collect under the retina. Tears can also be caused by … from the back of the eye. The pulling is called traction. Fluid buildup under the retina. This fluid buildup can cause … in blood vessels, or in tissues in the eye. What are the symptoms? Many people see floaters and flashes of light …
Health topics
… want to find out whether you carry the gene. What are the symptoms? If phenylketonuria (PKU) is not found and treated soon after birth, symptoms usually start to appear within a few months after … the phenylalanine to build up in the baby's body.) Early symptoms of PKU in a baby may include: A musty odour to the …
Health topics
… nose is really crooked and possibly broken. What are the symptoms? Symptoms of a broken nose include: Nose pain. … one or both nostrils. This may be caused by cerebrospinal fluid draining from the brain into the nose (CSF rhinorrhea) … one or both nostrils. This may be caused by cerebrospinal fluid draining from the brain into the nose (CSF rhinorrhea) …