1887 results found
Health topics
… things. If you're going to areas where there is no medical care, you can get medicine to bring with you in case you get … This is a short-term measure until you can get medical care. Seek care as soon as you can (best is within 24 hours). The most …
Health topics
… guided imagery, or other relaxation techniques. Take care of yourself if you are vomiting. Rinse your mouth with … Call 9-1-1 anytime you think you may need emergency care. For example, call if: You passed out (lost … doctor or nurse advice line now or seek immediate medical care if: You have a fever. You can't keep down fluids or …
Health topics
… doctor. This doctor is in charge of your medical care. This is often a physiatrist (a doctor who specializes … nurse. This is a nurse who specializes in providing care for people with disabilities. They can also educate you … family about an SCI and help the doctor coordinate medical care. A physiotherapist. This therapist evaluates and treats …
Health topics
… gangrene. Preoperative issues in amputations Preoperative care before amputation is similar to any major surgery. A … such as diabetes or heart, lung, or kidney problems must be carefully assessed and their medical care optimized before the operation. The importance of the …
Health topics
… watching for choking hazards. Food To prevent choking, use care when you select and prepare food. Do not give round, … sure your child sits down while eating and that they chew carefully. Don't allow your child to eat while walking, … be diced or cooked and mashed. Fish or chicken with bones. Carefully cut the meat off the bone and then into small …
Health topics
… days and are difficult to treat. Pain can be exhausting for caregivers as well as for the person in pain. A pain … time. Explains your needs to other health professionals who care for you. Offers you some predictability and control … at home, call your doctor and seek emergency medical care. Preventing pain Mild to moderate body pain and some …
Health topics
… pain, and you also have housework to do, children to take care of, and errands to run. When you can't find someone … for you, keep in mind these important rules. Bend forward carefully. When you must bend forward to empty the … pick up clothes, make the bed, or do other chores, bend carefully in a way that doesn't cause pain. When you lift, …
Health topics
… When to Call Examinations and Tests Treatment Overview Self-Care What is an … improve your health. Decision Points focus on key medical care decisions that are important to many health problems. … prevent a hernia from recurring by using some common self-care steps. Avoid becoming overweight. Being overweight …
Health topics
… Symptoms Examinations and Tests Treatment Overview Self-Care What is a tendon … injury treated? Treatment most often starts with home care, including rest, ice, and over-the-counter pain … Treatment Overview Treatment most often starts with home care, including rest, ice, and over-the-counter pain …
Health topics
… your skin and other surfaces. Protect your skin Take good care of your skin. Bathe as often as needed to be clean and … Use gentle soap, and use warm (not hot) water. Be careful not to scrub the skin too hard. Use moisturizing … may use medicine, such as antibiotics , along with special care of the wound. You and the people around you will also …