2396 results found
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… years of life. It can happen if the baby doesn't get enough blood, oxygen, or other nutrients before or during birth. … problems . What are the symptoms? CP causes problems with body movement and posture. But symptoms can vary. Some … that isn't getting better, starts to bleed or ooze fluid, or causes pain. Feeding problems that aren't relieved …
Health topics
… likely to have low back pain if: You're overweight. Excess body weight, especially around the waist, may put strain on … other problems. If your back pain causes you to use your body in different ways (for example, to limp or to sit differently), pain can develop in other areas of your body. Pain can also cause changes in your body that tend to …
Health topics
… syndrome . Be sure to follow the non-prescription medicine precautions . Aspirin is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory … pregnant. Are breastfeeding. Have nasal polyps. Have a blood-clotting disorder or take blood thinners (anticoagulants). Have peptic ulcer disease. …
Health topics
… Yourself 6 Your Summary Get the facts Your options Have a blood or urine test or some other test to screen for … may have a urine test, or the doctor may take a sample of body fluid from the throat, inside the tip of the penis, or …
Health topics
… Overview High-output heart failure happens when the body's need for blood is unusually high, so heart failure symptoms happen … heart cannot keep up with an unusually high demand for blood to one or more organs in the body. The heart may be …
Health topics
… relationships that don't last long. Adjusting to a changing body. The teen years are a time of lots of physical changes. … take some time for your teen to get used to their maturing body. Some typical behaviours may include: Taking a long … of a problem might include: Being very critical of their body or how they look. Overeating regularly, restricting …
Health topics
… nausea, and vomiting. Fever, vomiting, and stools with blood or mucus. These symptoms mean you have serious … Treatment for traveller's diarrhea includes drinking fluids to avoid dehydration, taking non-prescription … Seek medical help immediately if you or your child has bloody diarrhea, fever, or persistent vomiting, and give …
Health topics
… sports include swimming and gymnastics. (There's no body contact or use of a ball, bat, or racquet.) Blows to … to reduce the risk of foreign objects or substances or body fluids getting in the eyes. If you have sight in only one … of the eye that's usually white? This does not include a blood spot on the eye. Yes Redness in part of eye that's …
Health topics
… be treated at home. Your baby should be taking in enough fluids and nutrients, peeing normal amounts and seeming to … your healthcare practitioner if your baby can't keep any fluids down or appears dehydrated (see signs of dehydration … the centre of the armpit. Tuck the arm snugly against the body, then comfort and distract your baby. After about one …
Health topics
… is then used to heat the inside of the prostate. Cooling fluid is circulated around the microwave antenna to prevent … of urine (urge incontinence). Irritation of the urethra and blood in the urine (though not as much as with TURP). Men who have TUMT don't lose as much blood as men who have TURP. So men who have TUMT have less …