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Health topics
… steadily decrease in the days after the extraction. A blood clot will form in the tooth socket after the … The clot protects the bone during healing. If that blood clot gets loose or comes out of the socket, you may … the bloodstream and cause infections in other parts of the body. People who have a hard time fighting off infections …
Health topics
… You may also have a pelvic examination , a urine test, blood tests, and possibly an ultrasound. Your doctor may … problems. These tests may include: A pelvic examination . A fluid sample from your cervix or vagina. A Pap or HPV test. A urine test. A blood test. An ultrasound. A biopsy . For this test, your …
Health topics
… deposits called plaque (say "plak") to build up inside blood vessels called arteries. Arteries carry oxygen-rich blood throughout your body. The plaque can limit blood flow in the arteries. Heart …
Health topics
… and your work and home environments. A stool culture and blood tests may be done to confirm the diagnosis. How is … has spread. To prevent dehydration, drink plenty of fluids. Choose water and other clear liquids until you feel … and your work and home environments. A stool culture and blood tests may be done to confirm the diagnosis. How is …
Health topics
… fruits or juices, nuts, seeds, and tomatoes. Drink cold fluids, such as water or iced tea, or eat Popsicles. Sometimes fluid touching the canker sore can cause a stinging pain. Use a straw so the fluid doesn't touch the canker sore. Hold ice on the canker …
Health topics
… (AAT) is a protein normally found in the lungs and the bloodstream. It helps protect the lungs from diseases such … caused by a change, or mutation, in the gene that tells the body how to make alpha-1 antitrypsin. There are many kinds … only to people who have very low levels of AAT in their blood. It is not clear that this treatment is any better …
Health topics
… is a program that helps you learn to calm your mind and body to help you cope with illness, pain, and stress. MBSR … symptoms. In some people, MBSR also helped improve blood sugar and blood pressure. footnote 1 , footnote 2 , footnote 3 Taking …
Health topics
… diseases or ongoing (chronic) health problems like high blood pressure or diabetes, then your chances of having … Your metabolism slows over time. This means that your body needs less food energy than before. How much and how … the brain's weight, the size of its nerve network, and its blood flow decrease. But the brain adapts to these changes, …
Health topics
… substance. Household products Glue, shoe polish, cleaning fluids, and aerosols are common household products with … and solve problems. Harm many organs and systems in the body, such as the liver, pancreas, heart, brain, and nervous … throat, esophagus, liver, colon, and breast. Cause high blood pressure, stomach problems, or sexual problems. Cause …
Health topics
… , a doctor may order certain tests to see whether your body is generally healthy. These may include blood or urine tests to check: Electrolyte levels. … whether your body is generally healthy. These may include blood or urine tests to check: Electrolyte levels. …