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Health topics
… and: Iron deficiency or related anemia . The way the body metabolizes iron and certain proteins in the brain may … doctor may recommend one or more of the following tests: Blood tests, such as a complete blood count , iron (ferritin) levels , or chemistry screen. …
Health topics
… acetaminophen, ibuprofen, or aspirin to relieve fever and body aches. Don't give aspirin to anyone younger than age … on the label. Rest more than usual. Drink plenty of fluids so you don't get dehydrated. Use an over-the-counter … acetaminophen, ibuprofen, or aspirin to relieve fever and body aches. Don't give aspirin to anyone younger than age …
Health topics
… too much thyroid hormone. Thyroid hormone controls how your body uses energy, also called metabolism. When you have too … thinks you may have the condition, he or she will order blood tests to see how much thyroid hormone your body is … You feel very irritable. You have unusually high or low blood pressure compared to your normal blood pressure. You …
Health topics
… injuries that can cause nervous system problems include: Blood supply problems (vascular disorders). Injuries … dysfunction ( overactive or underactive thyroid ). High blood sugar ( diabetes ) or low blood sugar ( hypoglycemia … may not be able to move a part or all of one side of the body ( paralysis ). Dimness, blurring, double vision, or …
Health topics
… (PKU) is a rare genetic condition in which the body cannot break down an amino acid called phenylalanine … If PKU is not treated, phenylalanine can build up in the blood and lead to intellectual disability and problems with … needs to follow a PKU diet. Your child will need regular blood tests. Your child may get tested as often as once or …
Health topics
… diabetes and you have not been able to keep your blood sugar levels within a target range , you may need insulin shots. Taking insulin can help prevent high blood sugar. High blood sugar can lead to problems for you … time you need to do the following: Choose the part of your body to inject . If you give your shots in different places …
Health topics
… arrest, the heart suddenly stops beating. This causes blood to stop pumping to the body. If the heartbeat is not restarted within minutes, the … which happens when part of the heart muscle dies because blood flow to it has been blocked. What causes it? Cardiac …
Health topics
… is used to treat problems that can happen when a man's body doesn't make enough testosterone. It may be used to: … lowers or increases the risk of heart attack, stroke, or blood clots in the veins. Experts don't know for sure if … it. Testosterone can cause your body to make too many red blood cells. This can cause blood clots and other problems. …
Health topics
… Some of the assessments used to identify risks include blood pressure tests, blood glucose tests, cholesterol tests, bone density tests, body mass index, waist-to-hip ratio calculations, and …
Health topics
… in part of the immune system (the lymph system ). White blood cells called lymphocytes can become abnormal or … Hodgkin can spread (metastasize) to other parts of the body. To find out how severe your cancer is, your doctor … they do know that gene changes (mutations) occur in white blood cells called lymphocytes. These gene changes lead to …