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Health topics
… can also cause sexual problems. During sexual arousal, blood normally swells areas of the vulva. If those areas … pain during sex. Order tests, if needed. For example, blood tests can check hormone levels and thyroid function. … can also cause sexual problems. During sexual arousal, blood normally swells areas of the vulva. If those areas …
Health topics
… make another medicine stronger or weaker. For instance, a blood thinner makes bleeding more likely. If you also take … For instance, a medicine you use for a cold could make high blood pressure worse. A medicine or interaction can make … make another medicine stronger or weaker. For instance, a blood thinner makes bleeding more likely. If you also take …
Health topics
… cause of infection. Sometimes germs travel through the blood or lymph system to the urinary tract and can cause … UTIs in children can lead to other kidney problems, high blood pressure , and other complications. Examinations and … cause of infection. Sometimes germs travel through the blood or lymph system to the urinary tract and can cause …
Health topics
… edge (red zone) tend to heal well because there is a good blood supply. The inner area (white zone) lacks a good blood supply and therefore does not heal well. The type of … edge (red zone) tend to heal well because there is a good blood supply. The inner area (white zone) lacks a good blood
Health topics
… of breath, or wheezing . Coughs up mucus that contains blood. Doesn't gain or stay at the same weight. Has smelly, … screening. This checks levels of a digestive enzyme from a blood sample. Some newborns may also have a genetic test. Carrier screening. This uses a sample of blood, saliva, or cells from inside the mouth. A standard …
Health topics
… discs from absorbing all the nutrients they need from the blood. This can make an injured disc more likely. Being … You have back pain along with pain during urination or blood in the urine. You have back pain that is worse when … 6 weeks of non-surgical treatment. Other tests, such as blood tests, may be done to rule out other conditions. Some …
Health topics
… get a physical examination. You may also get tests. One blood test is called CA-125. You may also get an ultrasound … get some tests. They include lab tests. One of these is a blood test called CA-125. Too much CA-125 (cancer antigen 125) in your blood can be a sign of ovarian cancer. Other tests may also …
Health topics
… Other tests done before surgery may include: A complete blood count (CBC) to check for anemia and other abnormal blood values. A cancer antigen (CA) 125 test. This test … more Cancer Antigen 125 (CA-125) Test Chest X-Ray Complete Blood Count (CBC) Computed Tomography (CT) Scan of the Body …
Health topics
… teeth, jaw, tongue, ear, sinuses, eyes, salivary glands, blood vessels, or nerves. Common causes of facial problems … sooner. Medicines you take . Certain medicines, such as blood thinners (anticoagulants), medicines that suppress the … before you use non-prescription medicines if you have high blood pressure or kidney disease. Avoid tobacco. Do not …
Health topics
… the intestine gets trapped in the hernia sac and loses its blood supply. The hernia hasn't closed by the time your … Swelling from a buildup of fluid near the incision. Blood clots. A hernia that comes back. An injury to part of … the intestine gets trapped in the hernia sac and loses its blood supply. The hernia hasn't closed by the time your …