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Health topics
… the substance in the centre of your bones that produces red blood cells. A person with sickle cell disease has bone marrow that produces red blood cells with defective hemoglobin S. But if that bone … new cells restore the immune system and make normal red blood cells. Until recently this treatment was mostly done …
Health topics
… your body. Cortisol is especially important in controlling blood pressure and metabolism . But it affects almost every … and can lead to serious problems, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, depression, and osteoporosis. Another name … can also lead to other health problems, such as high blood pressure , type 2 diabetes , and heart disease. How is …
Health topics
… and systems of the body. These include problems with: The blood. There may be changes in the blood cells, anemia, and changes to organs related to … people with lupus produce antibodies that attack certain blood-clotting factors, causing the blood to clot too …
Health topics
… sickle cell disease can sometimes have vision problems. Blood cells that change shape, or "sickle," can get trapped in blood vessels, blocking the blood flow. When this blockage occurs in the small blood
Health topics
… caused by other medical problems or medicines. It prevents blood from clotting properly. It is rarer than the inherited … stenosis. Use of a cardiac device that helps the heart pump blood, called a ventricular assist device . Rarely, acquired … your body have enough von Willebrand clotting factor in the blood. This von Willebrand factor helps your blood clot. …
Health topics
… capacity and efficiency Improved systolic and diastolic blood pressure measurements Reduced systemic inflammation … medications. Clients should be counselled to track their blood pressure if this is a concern. Exercise or physical … muscles to exhaustion can cause significant spikes in blood pressure. The Valsalva maneuver during resistance …
Health topics
… nosebleeds during pregnancy. That's because there is more blood flow to the tissue inside the nose (mucous membranes) … the directions for cleaning the machine. You also have more blood flow to the mucous membranes of the mouth and gums … else stop a nosebleed, avoid touching the other person's blood. Use gloves, if available, or layers of fabric or a …
Health topics
… that always contains your at-work essentials, such as: Your blood sugar meter and supplies. Medicines. Planned snacks … if you don't have access to a refrigerator. Manage your blood sugar. Test your blood sugar every couple of hours. Working night shifts or …
Health topics
… E. coli , and most of them are harmless. But some can cause bloody diarrhea. Some strains of E. coli may also cause … movement. What are the symptoms? You may have symptoms like bloody diarrhea, stomach cramps, nausea, and vomiting. … some people, the infection causes serious problems with the blood and kidneys. These people may need blood transfusions …
Health topics
… arterial disease of the legs. In Leriche's syndrome, blood flow in the aorta is blocked in the stomach area. This blocks blood flow to the legs. In men, blood flow to the penis is also blocked. The following …