3771 results found
Health topics
… in general and, in particular, how their own functions. Helps the family focus less on the member who has been … all family members so they can work on their problems together. Teaches ways to handle conflicts and changes within … problems begin. Some families seek this type of therapy when they anticipate a major change in their lives. For …
Health topics
… bent-back position. Wearing a wrist splint minimizes pressure on the median nerve and allows you a period of … carpal tunnel syndrome worse. Think about these guidelines when you use a wrist splint: When worn to stabilize the … doing so can strain the hand's tendons. A wrist splint is a helpful short-term treatment for carpal tunnel syndrome. But …
Health topics
… (sometimes called premature ovarian failure) occurs when your ovaries-which store and release eggs-stop working … insufficiency. You will also have a pregnancy test and blood tests. To check for possible ovarian insufficiency, … when they see a doctor because they are having trouble getting pregnant. How is primary ovarian insufficiency …
Health topics
… can keep it for you. Plan ahead. Know who you can call for help, and memorize the phone number. Be careful online too. … of property. This pattern usually repeats itself and gets worse over time. If there is a cycle, learning to … of property. This pattern usually repeats itself and gets worse over time. If there is a cycle, learning to …
Health topics
… the garden In the garden, Bev now plants her flowers and vegetables in flowerpots or raised garden beds instead of … straight handles. Tools shaped like these help to take the pressure off of her back and the joints in her hands. Bev … are harder to open and can really hurt her hand and wrist when she tries to turn them. Easing the pain For the past 6 …
Health topics
… of anemia. Anemia means that you do not have enough red blood cells. Red blood cells carry oxygen from your lungs to your body's tissues. If your tissues and organs do not get enough oxygen, they cannot work as well as they should. … the kidneys make a hormone called erythropoietin, or EPO. When the kidneys are damaged, they may not make enough EPO. …
Health topics
… the tibial tubercle . Older children and teenagers often get Osgood-Schlatter disease during a growth spurt. Certain … back while your child is still growing, but it should stop when your child's growth spurt ends. Osgood-Schlatter … straps when playing sports or doing activities that put pressure on the knee. Have your child do simple stretches. …
Health topics
… your child have a good quality of life. It may be hard to get your child to eat enough. There can be many different … oxygen equipment and any precautions about its use. Know when you need to give your child oxygen. When your child is … do if your child has "blue spells." These may happen if the blood going from the heart to the body is a mix of …
Health topics
… or sheep intestine. While latex and polyurethane condoms help prevent the spread of sexually transmitted infections … spermicide, or another female barrier method. How do you get male condoms? Condoms don't require a prescription or a … penis. Slippage occurs more often than breakage, usually when a condom is too large. Use emergency contraception as a …
Health topics
… Overview Overview If your joints hurt when you do an activity, you can do a number of things to help yourself. Use the largest joints or strongest muscles to do things. When you lift a heavy object off the floor, use your hip and …