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Health topics
… this page: Overview Overview When to start giving your baby solid foods Breast milk or … foods when your baby: Is about 6 months old. Starts to get curious about foods. Your baby may reach for what you're … fish, shellfish, wheat, and soy. Giving these foods may help prevent food allergies. Here's how to start giving …
Health topics
… section or a delivery with forceps ). Or it can be used when a delivery is happening fast. The benefit of a spinal … side effects. These may include lowering of the mother's blood pressure during delivery, an occasional headache after …
Health topics
… . Adolescents often lose interest in family matters. When at home, they may want to be alone. They may stay in … being like you. So be prepared! Having healthy self-esteem helps protect adolescents from peer group pressure. When they face tough choices, they can call on …
Health topics
… Overview Many people worry about getting a disease like hepatitis or HIV from an accidental … HIV, or another infection that can be spread that way. When the person does have an infection that can be spread, … stuck by the needle depends on: How much infected blood you are exposed to. How much virus is in the blood. …
Health topics
… (say "ar-tuh-RY-tus"), or GCA, is inflammation of the blood vessels. It mostly affects the arteries that carry … in women more often than men. It is more common as people get older. What are the symptoms? Symptoms may start either … is the most common symptom. Pain in the jaw, especially when you chew. Vision problems such as double vision or …
Health topics
… Overview Spinal manipulation is a treatment that uses pressure on a joint of the spine to improve pain and … Sometimes other joints of the body are also worked on to help treat the spine. Like most back pain treatments, spinal … some people but not for others. Spinal manipulation is safe when done by a trained health professional. Afterward, some …
Health topics
… problems, because school schedules often require that teens get up early for classes. Some teens may become sleep deprived. They may: Have trouble getting up in the morning. Fall asleep during the day. Feel … Teenagers need about 10 hours of sleep each night. Tips to help your teen If your teen is showing signs of not getting …
Health topics
… or be physically close to them. Someone gives consent when they know exactly what they are being asked to do, and they agree clearly, without being pressured. How can you teach older children and teens about … isn't dating or having sex, talking about consent early can help make sure they understand how to set their own …
Health topics
… hockey, swimming and football. Did you know? Your child can get “huffing and puffing” in lots of different ways – … optimal health benefits. Here are some things to consider when you and your child are thinking about how to get enough … help him feel good about participating, rather than feeling pressure to be the best. Some activities and groups involve …
Health topics
… or an electronic cigarette. As a result, you don't get the same "hit" of nicotine as with smoking. Do not begin … the cartridge to release the nicotine. Use the inhaler when you crave a cigarette. When you feel the urge to smoke, hold the inhaler between …