3771 results found
Health topics
… active in your community as your treatment progresses. This helps you stay committed to quitting. At first, you may have limited contact with your family and others. This helps you adjust to your therapy. It also helps you make major life changes so you can quit drugs and …
Health topics
… in both men and women. Men Men who smoke may have trouble getting and keeping an erection. This is because smoking can slowly and permanently damage blood vessels throughout the body, including those that carry blood to the penis. An erection is caused when blood flow to the penis increases. So damaged blood …
Health topics
… visit in the third trimester, you'll be weighed, and your blood pressure and urine will be checked. Your doctor or midwife … mood. It's important to find and treat depression. This can help prevent problems during pregnancy and after delivery. …
Health topics
… If PKU is not treated, phenylalanine can build up in the blood and lead to intellectual disability and problems with … down through families. To have the disease, a baby must get (inherit) the PKU gene from both parents. The father and … childhood. It's normal to feel a wide range of emotions when your child has an illness like PKU. You may want to …
Health topics
… December 1, 2016 Here are some things to keep in mind when you're being physically active in cooler weather. Warm … Drink lots of fluids before, during and after exercise When the weather's cold, we often forget to drink water, but it's still important to stay …
Health topics
… therapies, such as dance. Music therapy: May decrease forgetfulness (dementia) by: Improving your connection to … you. Music therapy can help reduce your heart rate and blood pressure and increase your ability to think, learn, reason, …
Health topics
… by the choices you make." That wasn't how Jerry felt when he first learned he had prediabetes. His doctor told him to lose weight and get more exercise or else run the risk of getting type 2 … and inactive makes it harder for the body to keep blood sugar levels normal. And he finally understood why …
Health topics
… Information Treatment Overview Oxygen therapy helps you get more oxygen into your lungs and bloodstream. You may use it if you have a disease that makes … may spark, or anything flammable. Make sure you are careful when you are moving around. You or someone else could trip …
Health topics
… and rewarding. It can be easy to know where to turn when your child has a cold or an infection. But it can be … With Disabilities Stay Active Helping Kids Handle Peer Pressure Helping Your Child Avoid Tobacco, Drugs, and … Strangers Quick Tips: Babyproofing Your Home Quick Tips: Getting Active as a Family Quick Tips: Getting Baby to Sleep …
Health topics
… be taking one or more medicines to prevent seizures . To get the most benefit from them, you need to consistently … as simple as possible. Plan times to take your medicines when you are doing other regularly occurring activities, … take your medicines. Take a list of your medicines with you whenever you visit your doctor. Let your doctor know if you …