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3771 results found
Health topics
… with the body's hormones and enzymes to cause changes in blood pressure, pulse, and other body functions. Another theory … Why It Is Used Aromatherapy may promote relaxation and help relieve stress. It has also been used to help with …
Health topics
… Shunt surgeries are designed to redirect the flow of blood or belly fluid through other areas of the body. Types … in the belly ( ascites ). They divert the fluid into normal blood circulation. Portacaval shunts. These shunts may lower blood pressure in the vein that carries blood to the liver (portal …
Health topics
… or pipes. The tissues of the mouth can also absorb nicotine when a person smokes cigars or pipes, or chews tobacco. … The stimulant effect causes a sudden increase in blood pressure, breathing rate, and heart rate. The central …
Health topics
… kiss on the lips isn't likely to spread EBV. It's spread when saliva from an infected person gets into another person's mouth.) Mucus from the nose and … throat, checking your skin, and pressing on your belly. Blood tests to help confirm the diagnosis include: Mono …
Health topics
… I Take Antiviral Medicine for Chronic Hepatitis B? High Blood Pressure: Should I Take Medicine? High Cholesterol: Should I Take Statins? HPV: Should I Get the Vaccine? Hyperthyroidism: Should I Use Antithyroid …
Health topics
… some people may feel dizzy or sick to their stomach when they take mood stabilizers. General information about … dose or change to a different medicine. Always be sure you get specific information on the medicine you're taking. For … the following: Your doctor may want you to have regular blood tests to check your medicine levels, liver function, …
Health topics
… is very young, you will need to give these injections. When your child is older, he or she can take on some of the … be even harder on a child. It helps if the entire family gets involved, eats healthy foods, and learns about counting … to understand the relationship between food and his or her blood sugar. Children may eat extra foods without telling …
Health topics
… bleeding in the uterus. It's not recommended if you plan to get pregnant. Ablation works by destroying the lining of the … and vaginal discharge that may be watery and mixed with blood. This discharge will become clear after a couple of … is used to control heavy, prolonged uterine bleeding when: Bleeding has not responded to other treatments. You …
Health topics
… It can also affect your control of your bowels and bladder. When the spinal canal becomes narrower (stenosis), the … doctor will use the results of tests, including imaging and blood tests, to eliminate other diseases—such as multiple … is likely to recommend decompressive surgery to relieve the pressure. This surgery may be done from the front or the …
Health topics
… These kinds of drinks should not be used to rehydrate. When you feel like eating again, start with small amounts of food. This will help you to get enough nutrition. Preventing poisoning Always keep … These dinoflagellates have a red-brown colour and in large numbers can cause a red streak called "red tide" in the …