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Health topics
… your area. Fatigue Feeling tired and sleepy is normal; rest whenever you can. It’s also OK if you don’t feel tired Have … throughout the day Avoid activities that cause eyestrain Get plenty of sleep at night and rest during the day Get … don't feel dizzy when you lie on your back, then plenty of blood is reaching your brain. If you feel dizzy when lying …
Health topics
… the iris, the posterior chamber. This opening may decrease pressure in the eye and usually prevents sudden buildup of pressure within the eye, which occurs during an episode of … in the affected eye has been reduced with medicine or when medicines fail. Prevent closed-angle glaucoma in people …
Health topics
… cancer. You may be awake during the procedure. But you will get medicine to help with pain. And you may be given … First the doctor will put a thin, flexible tube into a blood vessel in the upper thigh. The tube is called a … reduce pain and bleeding from fibroids. What To Expect When the procedure is over, you will likely have several …
Health topics
… in the lungs are stretched and become larger. It starts when your airways are damaged. The damage may be caused by … you were born with it. The damaged airways have a hard time getting rid of mucus (sputum), so the mucus builds up. This … or a chest CT scan . Other tests your doctor may do include blood tests to look for infection, a test to find bacteria …
Health topics
… form . Try to schedule the test or examination for a time when your child won't be tired or hungry. Tell your child as … done. Some common tests that your child may need include: A blood test. A urine test. An X-ray . If your child is getting a test in a hospital, you may be able to ask for …
Health topics
… Overview Hemophilia can be treated by replacing missing blood clotting factors. This is called clotting factor … clotting factor treatments, talk with your doctor. Together you can discuss the medical information and your … the benefits and risks of giving yourself injections only when you need them, in response to a bleed or before an …
Health topics
… far more words than he can speak. For example, he can point when asked, "Where's your belly button?" Uses a vocabulary … language skills by reading books and singing songs together as often as possible. Be sure to use different voices … toddler. Not only will this entertain your child, it will help to encourage her language development. Here are some …
Health topics
… to the shoulder. The collarbone also protects nerves and blood vessels from the neck to the shoulder. What causes a … or to the outside of the shoulder. This often occurs when playing sports such as football, wrestling, or ice … moving for about 6 weeks, until you can start exercises to get your strength back. Most people have returned to all …
Health topics
… On this page: Overview Overview You can help your doctor diagnose and treat your condition by being … Since some symptoms are difficult to describe, it is helpful to write down information about your symptoms as you … appointment, keep a diary of your symptoms. This form may help. Describe the symptom for which you are keeping this …
Health topics
… regulate the way your body uses energy. Problems can happen when your hormone levels are out of balance, like with … tests so you can know how to manage your hormone health. Get started with these hormone topics: Hypothyroidism … for Menopause Symptoms Carbohydrates, Proteins, Fats, and Blood Sugar Comprehensive Metabolic Panel Cushing's Syndrome …