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Health topics
… professionals across the province. Are there situations when the 2007 food guide may still be appropriate to … the diet. Does the 2019 food guide recommend following a vegetarian/vegan diet? Health Canada recommends eating … now that the food guide no longer uses serving sizes and numbers of servings per day? Each person’s nutrient and …
Health topics
… point where it joins the bladder. A balloon regulates the pressure of the cuff, and a bulb controls inflation and … scrotum. The cuff is inflated to keep urine from leaking. When urination is desired, the cuff is deflated, allowing … sphincter placement works well for most men. It can help reduce urinary incontinence after prostate removal. …
Health topics
… failure, and leg and foot amputation. Prediabetes refers to blood sugar levels that are higher than normal; nearly 50% … of activity that have a positive impact on diabetes, and getting started and staying safe with physical activity. … to be used with a health care provider. Being Active When You Have Prediabetes (Exercise is Medicine, USA) This …
Health topics
… amphotericin B, bacitracin, and vancomycin. Some blood pressure medicines. One example is ACE inhibitors, such as … amphotericin B, bacitracin, and vancomycin. Some blood pressure medicines. One example is ACE inhibitors, …
Health topics
… more aggressive than common honeybees and often attack together in great numbers. Reaction to bee stings can range from minor skin … than common honeybees and often attack together in great numbers. Reaction to bee stings can range from minor skin …
Health topics
… It's often removed before you go home. If not, you'll get instructions on how to care for the catheter. You may … the surgery. But this should improve with time. It may burn when you urinate. Drink lots of fluids to help with the … to 2 to 3 weeks after surgery. This is because there may be blood in it. You may have to avoid strenuous activity and …
Health topics
… this condition, you may have: No pain or discomfort at all. Pressure down low in your pelvis. Low backache or cramping. … How is it diagnosed? You have cervical insufficiency when your cervix has opened with little or no pain during … you have it before the cervix opens, when treatment might help keep the cervix closed. If you have had it in a past …
Health topics
… Most people need 2 to 4 weeks before they are ready to get back to their usual routine. Because the surgery makes your stomach smaller, you will get full sooner when you eat. Food also may empty into the small intestine … You could get an infection in the incision. You could get a blood clot in your legs ( deep vein thrombosis , or DVT) or …
Health topics
… during pregnancy, because: The enlarged uterus places extra pressure on the large vein (inferior vena cava) that drains … hemorrhoids: Eat a high-fibre diet (lots of whole fruits, vegetables, and whole grains). Drink plenty of fluids, … Take warm soaks in a tub or a sitz bath . Warm water can help shrink or soothe hemorrhoids. Add baking soda to the …
Health topics
… or a stroke. The goal is not to lower your cholesterol numbers alone. The following guidelines are from the … health problems. Statins You and your doctor can work together to understand your risks and what treatment is best … and any other risks you have for heart attack and stroke. When deciding about medicines, you and your doctor may think …