3771 results found
Health topics
… by other organisms, such as fungi or parasites. You may get folliculitis if you have damaged hair follicles. Shaving … can irritate the follicles, which can lead to folliculitis. When the follicles are injured, they are more likely to … or burn. When the pimples break open, they may drain pus, blood, or both. "Hot tub folliculitis" most often appears …
Health topics
… Fat-soluble vitamins can reach toxic levels if you get more than you need. A balanced diet usually provides … of an enzyme needed for protein metabolism; helps make red blood cells. Meat, fish, poultry, vegetables, fruits. Folate … liver, fatty fish, fortified milk, fortified margarine. When exposed to sunlight, the skin can make vitamin D. …
Health topics
… ) of the brain. It's usually caused by a virus. The normal blood flow to the brain changes, and this can cause … medicine may make symptoms less severe, especially if you get the medicine right away. You'll also get supportive care … Some people may need a machine called a ventilator to help them breathe. You may have some symptoms for several …
Health topics
… Smoking further damages the breathing tubes and lung tissue when you have COPD. Quitting smoking stops the ongoing … Smoking further damages the breathing tubes and lung tissue when you have COPD. Quitting smoking stops the ongoing …
Health topics
… include: A skin problem called acanthosis nigricans . High blood pressure . High cholesterol . Polycystic ovary syndrome . … include: A skin problem called acanthosis nigricans . High blood pressure . High cholesterol . Polycystic ovary …
Health topics
… The electrodes are often placed on the area of pain or at a pressure point, creating a circuit of electrical impulses that travels along nerve fibres. When the current is delivered, some people experience less … theory is that the electrical stimulation of the nerves may help the body to produce natural painkillers called …
Health topics
… Overview Drug-eluting stents can help prevent a coronary artery from narrowing again after … of the coronary artery to open the artery and improve blood flow. Drug-eluting stents are used more often than … You may take aspirin plus another antiplatelet. If you get a drug-eluting stent, you may take both of these …
Health topics
… Overview Venous skin ulcers develop when the lower leg veins are weakened and cannot efficiently move the blood back toward the heart. Pooled blood and fluid in the … breakdown. You can prevent or heal a venous skin ulcer by helping your blood circulate back toward your heart. Elevate …
Health topics
… your 6-to-36 month old child Child Health Passport Getting your Pregnancy Passport Safer Sleep for My Baby … | Punjabi | Spanish | Tagalog Medical Procedures to Help Labour and Birth English | Arabic | Chinese | … Eating During Breastfeeding English | Chinese | French When Your Toddler Stops Breastfeeding English | Chinese …
Health topics
… are found in wild birds. Most of the time, wild birds don't get sick from the virus. But wild birds can easily pass the … if you have been near any birds. Then your doctor may order blood tests, nasal swabs, or other tests, such as X-rays, to … ) to reduce the chances of spreading the virus to others. When your doctors and nurses are caring for you, they will …