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3771 results found
Health topics
… may wear a patch or contact lens on the eye. You will also get instructions on how to manage your pain. Someone must … may include: Infection of the cornea (keratitis). Elevated pressure inside the eye (intraocular pressure) leading to glaucoma. …
Health topics
… you even know that you are pregnant. Your doctor will help you consider whether potential seizures or continued … a single medicine. Changing the medicine dosage. Having blood tests to make sure you have the right levels of … body. Taking folic acid or other supplements before you get pregnant and during your pregnancy. (Folic acid reduces …
Health topics
… birth canal. Effacement means that the cervix stretches and gets thinner. Dilatation means that the cervix opens. As … cervix has been closed and protected by a plug of mucus. When the cervix effaces, the mucus plug comes loose and passes out of the vagina. The mucus may be tinged with blood. Passing the mucus plug is called "show" or " bloody …
Health topics
… results from the effect of age on the sinus node. As we get older, scarring of the sinus node can occur and, in some … fast and slow arrhythmias. These include: Periods of time when the sinus node does not fire at all (sinus pauses) and … might be used to prevent the heart from beating too fast. Blood-thinning medicines are used to help prevent a stroke. …
Health topics
… The kidneys and liver are essential for cleaning your blood, maintaining fluid balance, and breaking down the … you have kidney or liver problems, changing your diet can help protect these organs and improve their function. Find … aren’t working as well as they should to filter waste and get rid of extra fluid from your blood. Learn how making …
Health topics
… To further help prevent infection, apply a clean bandage whenever your bandage gets wet or soiled. If a bandage is stuck to a burn, soak it … for correct use. Wrap the burn loosely to avoid putting pressure on the burned skin. Do not tape a bandage so that …
Health topics
… condition isn't the same thing as a food allergy to milk. When lactose moves through the large intestine (colon) … Lactose tolerance test. This test measures your blood sugar after you eat or drink lactose. If your blood … whey, curds, milk by-products, and non-fat dry milk powder. Get enough calcium in your diet. Foods that have calcium …
Health topics
… or cone-nosed bugs. Like mosquitoes, kissing bugs feed on blood from animals or people. Kissing bugs have that name … They usually hide during the day and are active at night when they feed. They can go for weeks without feeding. … people will scratch enough to cause breaks in the skin that get infected easily. The bites can also cause a serious …
Health topics
… and in Indigenous communities. For more information To help people find hospice palliative care services, Health … and in Indigenous communities. For more information To help people find hospice palliative care services, Health …
Health topics
… absorb too much iron. This causes iron to build up in the blood, liver, heart, pancreas, joints, skin, and other … if you have one or more HFE gene mutations, you may never get sick. Explore more Hemochromatosis Gene (HFE) Test Who … or child—with the condition. It is best to get tested when you are age 18 to 30 when tests can usually detect the …