3771 results found
Health topics
… Overview Most women struggle with feeling very tired when they are pregnant. This tiredness, or fatigue, is most … All of this can make you feel tired. Caring for yourself when you're tired During pregnancy, your body is doing a lot of hard work. Try these tips when you feel tired. Take breaks. And take a short nap, if …
Health topics
… (say "ee-uh-sin-uh-FILL-ick") esophagitis, white blood cells called eosinophils are in the esophagus. … symptom. It may hurt to swallow. Or it may feel like food gets stuck in your throat. Pain in the chest or upper belly. … plastic dilator down your throat and into your esophagus. When the device is expanded, it widens any narrow areas of …
Health topics
… that organs inside the chest, such as the lungs, heart, or blood vessels, have been damaged. Other symptoms often … severe pain in the area of the chest injury. Pain that gets worse when you breathe or cough. Pain that gets worse when you …
Health topics
… dried fruits (especially prunes and figs), fresh fruits, vegetables, and 100% fruit or vegetable juices. If the first … the area with a cool, clean, wet pad is comforting when you have your first bowel movement. Hemorrhoids … Try not to stand for long periods. Lie down to take pressure off your bottom. Keep bowel movements soft to avoid …
Health topics
… Overview Overview Thyroid hormones help regulate the way the body uses energy. You need thyroid hormone replacement when you do not have enough thyroid hormones in your blood (hypothyroidism). Depending on the cause of your …
Health topics
… wheat, barley, rye, and triticale (a wheat-rye cross). When you have this disease and you eat food with gluten in … and weaken bones. If it isn't treated, your child can get very sick. What causes it? Doctors think celiac disease … your symptoms and do a physical examination. You may have blood tests to see if you have certain antibodies that could …
Health topics
… . Low testosterone also can be present at birth. A blood test is usually done to find out if you have low … testosterone normally decreases with age, your doctor can help determine whether your symptoms are from low … hormone. This is called testosterone replacement. You can get it in different ways, such as in a shot, through a patch …
Health topics
… they work? Statins lower the amount of cholesterol in your blood by reducing how much cholesterol your body makes. … dose or change to a different medicine. Always be sure you get specific information on the medicine you're taking. For … and natural health products. That information will help prevent serious problems. Always be sure you get …
Health topics
… be sure of the diagnosis is by checking for botulism in the blood or stool. The test results take several days to complete, so treatment will start before your doctor gets the results. Other tests that may be done include a … You can prevent botulism by following strict procedures when canning and by boiling home-canned food for 10 minutes …
Health topics
… page: Overview Overview Exercise may help you feel better and relieve stress. It also keeps your … Enhances your sense of well-being. Walking is a good way to get aerobic exercise. Start slowly if you haven't been … other athletes or coaches. In sports in which exposure to blood can occur, the risk of spreading HIV is very small. …