3771 results found
Health topics
… fever? Valley fever is a disease caused by a fungus that gets into your body through your lungs. It can make you feel … disease. The fungus grows in the soil. It gets into the air when the ground is broken and the dirt and dust spread into … where valley fever occurs. You may have a chest X-ray and blood tests. In some cases, the doctor may take samples of …
Health topics
… subsides. While you are pregnant, listen to your body. When you're fatigued, take it easy, but don't become … size and weight of your uterus will press on the large blood vessel that returns blood from your lower body to your … with your doctor's approval. Fitness: Getting and Staying Active Pregnancy Pregnancy-Related …
Health topics
… and causes breathing problems. Pulmonary fibrosis usually gets worse over time. You can't undo the damage to your … These include a medical history, physical examination, blood tests, lung function tests, chest X-ray, and CT scan. … aims to make breathing as easy as possible. You can help prevent lung infections by avoiding smoke, dirty air, …
Health topics
… Can spell their first name and can write some letters and numbers. Read some simple words. Sensory and motor … their names. Dress themselves. But they may still need some help with difficult buttons or laces. … Can spell their first name and can write some letters and numbers. Read some simple words. Sensory and motor …
Health topics
… and varicella [chickenpox]) vaccines. Most children get the vaccine as part of their regular shots. Before the … and the United States. What causes it? Mumps is spread when an infected person coughs or sneezes near you or shares … and a history of exposure to the virus. If needed, a blood test can be done to confirm that you have mumps and …
Health topics
… it may cause more serious problems. If you are pregnant and get infected with the rubella virus, you are at risk for … Some people don't have symptoms. How is it diagnosed? A blood test can help your doctor find out if a recent infection you've had …
Health topics
… But the risk rises with severe nearsightedness. You may get treatment again if you end up with nearsightedness … include: Infection. Sores (ulcers) on the cornea. Elevated pressure inside the eye (intraocular pressure) and glaucoma. Experts don't yet know about all of …
Health topics
… Overview Congenital syphilis occurs when syphilis isn't treated during pregnancy and is passed … or during labour or delivery. It's very important to have a blood test to detect syphilis while you're pregnant. … it during pregnancy greatly reduces the baby's risk of getting infected. If it's treated before the 16th week of …
Health topics
Health topics
… cerclage (say "SER-vuh-kul ser-KLAZH") is a procedure that helps keep the cervix from opening too soon before delivery. … are removed in time for the baby to be born. You may get medicine that makes you unconscious. Or you may get … Damage to the cervix during the procedure. Excessive blood loss. Preterm prelabour rupture of membranes (pPROM). …