3771 results found
Health topics
… scar could come open during labour. This is very rare. But when it does happen, it can be very serious for both the … The risks of caesarean delivery include: Infections. Pain. Blood loss that requires a blood transfusion . Genital or … are fully developed. Future risks. If you are planning to get pregnant again, it's important to think about scarring. …
Health topics
… Retinal detachment is an eye problem that happens when the retina, a thin membrane of nerve tissue that lines … retina, in the layer just beneath the retina (choroid), in blood vessels, or in tissues in the eye. What are the … have new and sudden loss of side (peripheral) vision that gets worse over time. How is it diagnosed? To diagnose …
Health topics
… video-assisted thoracic surgery , or VATS). Your doctor can help you understand which type of surgery is best for you. … used after surgery to drain your chest cavity of fluid and blood, which are present after lung surgery. The chest tubes … draining from your chest. The chest tubes will be removed when the drainage from your chest has stopped and no air is …
Health topics
… another health problem. It can last a short time, such as when you have a stuffy nose from a cold, or it can be … to not eating enough and losing weight. You also may not get the nutrients you need. Anosmia can affect your mood. It … Tests to see if you can smell certain scents or odours. A blood test to look for a vitamin deficiency or other health …
Health topics
… sleep. You can do it by yourself. You don't have to rely on help from others. You can do it at the times you choose as … sleep. You can do it by yourself. You don't have to rely on help from others. You can do it at the times you choose as …
Health topics
… acromion. But not all experts agree these procedures will help. Subacromial smoothing, acromioplasty, and rotator cuff … Risks Along with the general risks of surgery, such as blood loss or problems related to anesthesia, complications … Nerve or blood vessel injury. Fractures . If too much bone gets shaved off during surgery, the upper edge of the …
Health topics
… Antibiotics. Cancer medicines. Seizure medicines. Reactions when the skin is exposed to sunlight . Many medicines can … Antibiotics. Cancer medicines. Seizure medicines. Reactions when the skin is exposed to sunlight . Many medicines can …
Health topics
… spiritual support for you and your loved ones. No one knows when his or her time may come. So it's a good idea to spend … chemotherapy. You can have both types of treatment. You can get hospice palliative care to help keep you comfortable, … organs may be distributed to one or more people, based on blood and tissue type, the severity of the recipient's …
Health topics
… thin metal needles placed along the body's meridians. Acupressure. During this therapy, direct pressure is applied to points along the body's meridians. … combines herbs, roots, powders, or animal substances to help restore balance in the body. Cupping. This therapy uses …
Health topics
… strict bedrest for 3 days or more may raise your risk of getting a blood clot in the legs or lungs. footnote 2 Strict bedrest … discuss the benefits and risks in light of your condition. When you are resting or sleeping during late pregnancy, try …