3771 results found
Health topics
… keep it private. But if it harms your relationships, it may help to talk to your partner or friends about it. Explain … how it makes you feel. Help them understand that you will get better, and ask them to be patient with you. Ask for … has challenges in life that he or she needs help with. When you're dealing with depression, it can be hard to …
Health topics
… both males and females. Understanding hormonal changes can help you find out when you are most likely to get pregnant. Tracking changes your body goes through helps …
Health topics
… to help with any nausea, pain, or anxiety you might have. When you wake up from surgery, you will have a bandage over … in the hospital. These should help keep your shoulder from getting stiff. You will need to avoid strenuous activity for … or pulling, pinching, tingling, or numbness. Buildup of blood or clear fluid in the wound. General surgery risks. …
Health topics
… Support for Staying Active On this page: Getting Started Getting Started For many … from others is a key to success. Staying active is easier when you're doing something you like with people you like to … some ways to connect with others: Make a list of who could help you. Connecting with others can make getting active …
Health topics
… rubbing against footwear or against itself. It can also help cushion the feet. Here are two ways to use moleskin : … include: Toe separators , which keep toes from rubbing together. They are used to prevent soft corns. Toe crest pads , which relieve pressure and friction and help prevent toes from rubbing …
Health topics
… that requires a larger incision. footnote 1 This can happen when there are problems such as unexpected inflammation, … and effective. Surgery removes a diseased gallbladder and gets rid of gallstones. It does not remove stones in the … Bile that leaks into the abdominal cavity. Injury to blood vessels in the belly, such as the major blood vessel …
Health topics
… on the face. They are also used to make the lips fuller. When injected under the skin, a filler raises or puffs up … Swelling may last up to 36 hours. If symptoms start to get worse 1 to 3 days after the treatment, call your doctor. … a filler injection, avoid alcohol use and stop taking any blood-thinning medicine. This includes aspirin, any other …
Health topics
… are antipsychotics used? These medicines are used mainly to help treat mania and psychosis . In bipolar disorder, they … may include: Changes in your weight, cholesterol levels, or blood sugar levels. Feeling restless or sleepy. Stiff, tense … dose or change to a different medicine. Always be sure you get specific information on the medicine you're taking. For …
Health topics
… NSAIDS are used for many different health problems. NSAIDs help with pain and fever. They can also help reduce swelling … disease. Some NSAIDs can also help ease cramping and reduce blood loss from heavy menstrual bleeding. What about side … dose or change to a different medicine. Always be sure you get specific information on the medicine you're taking. For …
Health topics
… in the scrotum (epididymides or testicles) that gradually get worse are the most common symptoms of epididymitis. … check for a urinary tract infection . You may also have a blood test or other tests. An ultrasound may be done to look … medicines (such as ibuprofen or ketoprofen), may help relieve discomfort caused by epididymitis. You may also …