3771 results found
Health topics
… balloon pump (IABP) is a mechanical device that helps the heart pump blood. It is a long, thin tube called a catheter with a … in the same rhythm as the heart. It helps the heart pump blood to the body. An IABP is usually for emergencies only. …
Health topics
… or plastic bag or cleanest material available. Apply light pressure to a very minor skin cut near the eye to stop the bleeding. Do not apply any pressure to the eyeball. Clean the cut. Wash your hands and … or plastic bag or cleanest material available. Apply light pressure to a very minor skin cut near the eye to stop the …
Health topics
… down into his scrotum, the sac that hangs below the penis. When one testicle does not move into the scrotum as it … and can't be felt in the groin, the doctor will do a blood hormone test to find out if the testicles are absent. … take care to make the correct diagnosis so your child can get the right treatment. How is an undescended testicle …
Health topics
… the muscle to the tibia. What causes them? Most people get shin splints from repeated pounding on hard surfaces … as running, basketball, or tennis. You can also get them when you: Change to new running or workout shoes or wear … treated? In many cases you can use home treatment to help relieve pain and swelling from shin splints. Rest is …
Health topics
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Health topics
… Overview A laxative is a substance that helps you have a bowel movement. Laxatives are used to relieve and prevent constipation, which occurs when it is difficult to have a bowel movement. What are the … and draw fluids into the intestine from other tissue and blood vessels. This extra fluid in the intestines makes the …
Health topics
… skin. The skin on your breasts may be numb. This usually gets better with time. But you may always have some loss of … Other risks include: Capsular contracture. This occurs when scar tissue around the implant hardens and starts to … to remove the implant. Less common risks include infection, blood under the skin (hematoma), and abnormal scarring. …
Health topics
… Overview Most childhood drownings occur in swimming pools. When you go to public or private pools, make sure that your … A child can fall into the water and drown. Hair can get tangled in drains or jets. And body parts can get … safety If you have a pool at your home, use these tips to help prevent drowning tragedies. Get certified in CPR …
Health topics
… Overview Many people hesitate to get help for mental health problems. It can be hard to take that … But if that's the time you can do it, it's worth the wait. When you call for an appointment, explain your situation. …