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Health topics
… Columbia to Quebec. You feel fine for a while after you get there. But later that night, you have trouble sleeping, … is giving you problems. You have jet lag. Jet lag happens when you fly across one or more time zones. Most people need … after their flight. The hormone supplement melatonin may help relieve the symptoms of jet lag. Sleeping pills may …
Health topics
… great." Cheryl thinks her first bouts of depression came when she was in middle school, but it wasn't called that … one of 10 children," Cheryl recalls, "and we didn't really get along very well. My mom and dad fought a lot, and I'd go … think, 'Who cares?' I know I have to act." Being with and helping others also helps her. It helps her to talk to …
Health topics
… Diet Actionset Overview Our emotions influence what we eat, when we eat, and how much we eat. So negative feelings can … list in smaller amounts and less frequently to prevent high blood sugar. Recognize your feelings From the list below, … Canada website to find support groups in your area. Getting counselling. If a feeling continues to get in your …
Health topics
… surgery to make sure their glaucoma is controlled. The pressure in their eyes needs to be measured frequently. Why … children who didn't have glaucoma at birth. footnote 1 If pressure in the eye increases, the procedure may need to be … surgery to make sure their glaucoma is controlled. The pressure in their eyes needs to be measured frequently. Why …
Health topics
… the 41-year-old mother of two. "It hardly ever worked." When a migraine got really bad, Carole would take her … medicine Carole takes medicines to stop a migraine when she gets a headache. And she takes another kind of medicine … day to prevent her migraines. The preventive medicine has helped. "I used to have a couple migraines a week some …
Health topics
… Suspect physical abuse of a child or vulnerable adult when: Any injury cannot be explained or does not match the … able to prevent further injuries by reporting abuse. Seek help if: You suspect child abuse or elder abuse . Call your … are available for help . Bruises and Blood Spots Under the Skin Burns and Electric Shock Cuts …
Health topics
… called winter depression or seasonal depression. Anyone can get seasonal affective disorder (SAD), but it's more common … depressed during the same season and have gotten better when the seasons changed for at least 2 years in a row. You … main treatment for SAD. Medicines and counselling may also help. Light therapy. Light therapy is exposure to light that …
Health topics
… especially to cold water. Other medical conditions, such as blood flow problems (peripheral arterial disease), kidney … the muscle. A heating pad placed on the muscle can also help. Try using an ice or cold pack. Always keep a cloth … bedtime. Don't suddenly increase the amount of exercise you get. Increase your exercise a little each week. Take a daily …
Health topics
… to health problems. Testing and treatment are important to help protect the health of you and your partner(s). STIs … haven't had sex with another person for 3 months. Then get tested again. Watch for symptoms of STIs . Symptoms can … anal sex allow STI bacteria or viruses to get into your blood. If you use latex condoms, don't use an oil-based …