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Health topics
… it may be in the perineum between the anus and the scrotum. When the incision is made in the lower belly, it is called … prostatectomy often removes all cancer cells, be sure to get follow-up care. Why It Is Done A radical prostatectomy … risks. These include bleeding, infection, heart problems, blood clots, and a reaction to anesthesia. …
Health topics
… combine medical information with your personal values to help you make a wise health decision. See a list of: … health. Good health decisions can help you reduce costs and get better care. A good decision takes into account: The … And anytime you get care, there is a chance of error. When your doctor suggests or orders a medicine, surgery, a …
Health topics
… be able to prevent some spells by seeing that their child gets plenty of rest and feels secure. Here are some ways to help your child. Have regular rest times for your child … and meeting your expectations. Praise your child when your child learns and masters new tasks, and afterward …
Health topics
… this stage, an accurate diagnosis can only be made through blood testing, the person's history, or the birth of a child … having symptoms again. Relapses can occur several times. When relapses no longer occur, a person isn't contagious … syphilis). Tertiary (late) stage If a person doesn't get treatment, late (tertiary) syphilis can develop. It may …
Health topics
… the heart attack came as a shock. But he was a smoker. And when he had his first bypass surgery a few years later, Alan … was playing basketball with some guys from work. I started getting pains in my chest. The next thing I knew, I was on … an ongoing challenge. Alan leans on his wife, Cloris, for help. "I've had to work at keeping my weight under control, …
Health topics
… concerns about lead exposure, talk to your doctor. A simple blood test can find out the amount of lead in your blood. … to warm the bed, but it is a good idea to turn it off when you get into bed so that you don't become overheated. The amount …
Health topics
… at any age. Females in their 40s to 60s are more likely to get it. CRPS isn't the same for all people. Many have mild … problems, anxiety, mood swings, sadness, and depression. When pain is extreme, some people who have CRPS think about … you care about talks about suicides or feels hopeless, get help right away. How is it diagnosed? Complex regional pain …
Health topics
… event. Anger gives you the energy to act quickly and help yourself or others. Your body goes into a "survival" mode. After the event, when you no longer need to act, your anger goes away. But if you have PTSD, your anger may get out of control. This means you lose your temper and may …
Health topics
… Children from 5 to 12 years old, women, and older adults get motion sickness more than others do. It's rare in … or carsickness. What causes it? You get motion sickness when one part of your balance-sensing system (your inner … such as taking powdered ginger capsules or wearing acupressure wristbands. There isn't much evidence that they …
Health topics
… activity. Children who use insulin are at risk for low blood sugar during and after exercise. Good planning means … react to being active. Here are some things you can do to help your child exercise safely. Talk with your child's gym … exercise. Make sure that blood sugar is in the child's target range. If your child's blood sugar is over 14.0 mmol/L, …