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Health topics
… Happens Examinations and Tests Treatment Overview Self-Care Helping Someone Who Has OCD Condition … health condition that causes repeated unwanted thoughts. To get rid of them, you may do the same tasks over and over. … the compulsive action in response to the obsessive thought. When you start ERP, your therapist may ask you to write a …
Health topics
… less. And most children stop having tantrums by age 4 or 5, when they learn healthy ways to handle strong emotions. Why … ways. For example, a temper tantrum may happen when a child gets frustrated because he can't button a shirt. Or a child … meal times and enough hours of sleep. Having a routine can help your child to feel in control and stay positive. Let …
Health topics
… pointed-toe shoes if you can. High-heeled shoes increase pressure on the front of the foot. If you cannot avoid … work. Stand during the fitting process. Your foot is longer when you stand up. There should be one finger's width [about … pointed-toe shoes if you can. High-heeled shoes increase pressure on the front of the foot. If you cannot avoid …
Health topics
… and vision loss. Still, the chance of a pregnant woman getting the infection and passing it on to her baby is low. … Sore throat. Skin rash. How is toxoplasmosis diagnosed? A blood test can tell whether you have or have ever had … eat them. Avoid untreated drinking water. This is a concern when you are in the wilderness or when you travel to a …
Health topics
… be related to lack of insulin in your body. Triglyceride blood levels are usually elevated. High-density lipoprotein (HDL) blood level is usually low. These abnormal triglyceride and … your risk for hardening of your arteries (atherosclerosis). When blood vessels that supply the brain and heart are …
Health topics
… provided by doctors from throughout the province. They can help you stay healthy, get better, manage chronic conditions and seek further … by a doctor would help you get the best advice on when and where you should seek care. They may refer you to …
Health topics
… A dental sealant is a strong liquid-plastic material that helps protect teeth from plaque. Plaque is a thin film of … to develop tooth decay because food and bacteria easily get stuck in the pits and grooves of the surface. Some pits … pulp is the core of the tooth, the place where nerves and blood vessels are. A dental sealant does not take the place …
Health topics
… can lead to confusion, losing your train of thought, or forgetting or mixing up words or details. You can take steps to … some of the following tips. Write it down. Making a note helps you get a thought more firmly in your mind. You might … manage, so you're not trying to do too much at once. When you do start a task, avoid distractions that can keep …
Health topics
… or doing their daily activities. Chemo brain may go away when treatment ends. But for some people it can last for … chemo brain vary depending on the person. But you may: Forget events, names, or other things. Have trouble thinking of … may suggest that you see a neuropsychologist. These experts help people who have cognitive problems. What can you do to …
Health topics
… at-rest temperature. Women can track their BBT to find out when they are ovulating . With this time line, a woman can … of your ovaries has released an egg. You are most likely to get pregnant on the day of ovulation and the 5 days before … Avoiding sex until several days after ovulation may help you prevent pregnancy. Keep in mind that your cycle can …