3771 results found
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… a microscope to see them. What causes them? Most people get infected by accidentally swallowing pinworm eggs. Anyone … crawl out the rectum and lay eggs around the child's anus. When the worms lay eggs, it can cause itching. If the child … prescription medicine that kills the worms. Treatment can help keep you from getting infected again and from spreading …
Health topics
… the bottom of your thumb and the side of your wrist hurt. When you have de Quervain's, the ropey fibre ( tendon ) that helps move your thumb away from your fingers becomes swollen. What causes it? People can get de Quervain's when they hurt or use the thumb or wrist …
Health topics
… to Connect With Others and Reduce Loneliness On this page: Getting Started Getting Started It might seem overwhelming … organizations you're interested in that have needs you can help with. For example, animal shelters often need people to … a pet that fits your lifestyle. Shift negative thinking. When you feel lonely, it's common to have negative thoughts …
Health topics
… is a problem inside the inner ear. It happens when the labyrinth , a part of the inner ear that helps control your balance, gets swollen and inflamed. The inflammation may cause sudden …
Health topics
… your tubes and can't be fertilized. This means you can't get pregnant. This surgery can be done in two ways. In … Tubal ligation won't affect your menstrual cycle or when you start menopause. It also won't affect your desire … and wound separation. Major problems include heavy blood loss, general anesthesia problems, organ injury during …
Health topics
… period. How well does it work? In the first year of use: When the patch is used exactly as directed , fewer than 1 … problems you have or medicines you take. Your doctor can help you choose the birth control method that is right for … health problems or concerns. It may increase your risk of blood clots. It may be less effective in women who are …
Health topics
… to bounce back after stressful situations, is strengthened when you give and receive support. Building positive … who have a positive outlook and can make you laugh and help you. The more positive your relationships are, the … you'll be able to face life's challenges. The support you get from your social connections can add to your feelings of …
Health topics
… Celiac disease is a condition where the small intestine gets damaged by gluten. Read tips for following a … enjoyable: Difficulty swallowing (dysphagia) What to eat when you have chewing problems (UnlockFood.ca) Easy to Chew … about what causes it and how a healthy eating pattern may help: Managing constipation with diet: Adults (HealthLinkBC …
Health topics
… corticosteroids used? Inhaled corticosteroids are used to help: You breathe better. Prevent and improve your asthma … easier for you to breathe. What about side effects? You may get a sore mouth or throat or your voice may get hoarse when you use inhaled corticosteroids. You may also get a …
Health topics
… this page: Overview Overview Heat and cold treatments can help with mild to moderate pain from cancer. Heat may … during chemotherapy or radiation treatments. Be careful when using heat or cold treatment: Don't apply heat or cold … skin. Don't use heat or cold in an area where you have poor blood flow. Current as of: March 1, 2023 Author: …