3771 results found
Health topics
… Managing relationship stress for families On this page: Getting Started Getting Started Living with a house full of … Choose a night each week for movies and games. Let the kids help make decisions about new things to try. Keep moving. … feel better. Limit media time. It's easy to feel stressed when you spend too much time watching the news or on social …
Health topics
… page: Overview Overview Even before you get pregnant, you can help make your pregnancy as healthy as possible. Take these … pregnant. And it can help your doctor or midwife figure out when your baby is due and how it is growing. Make healthy …
Health topics
… Pain On this page: Overview Overview Getting back to work with back pain depends on what your day … everyone. Moving keeps your back muscles strong, which can help your back. And avoiding activity for more than a day or … breaks reduce eyestrain and muscle tension. Move around. When you sit, change your position often. Switch between …
Health topics
… especially teens and young adults, are more likely to get this rash. It does not spread from person to person. … and can affect your heart and liver, so you may need blood tests while you're taking them. People with liver … once a month. Most people don't need to do this, but it can help in some cases. Athlete's Foot …
Health topics
… its functions are shutting down. The body goes into shock when it can't get enough blood to the vital organs like your heart or brain. This may …
Health topics
… in people who have been swimming. But other people can get it too. What causes it? You can get swimmer's ear when bacteria or fungus grows in your ear canal. This … Reye syndrome, a serious illness. Some home treatment can help swimmer's ear. But it is important to see a doctor …
Health topics
… a short time, such as after surgery, or for long-term pain when safer options don't help. Opioids don't cure a health problem. But they may help … dose or change to a different medicine. Always be sure you get specific information on the medicine you're taking. For …
Health topics
… parent, or partner you want to be. You may feel stressed or get depressed or anxious. And these feelings may make your … to manage your pain. Learning how to control your pain can help with all of these things. In most cases, chronic pain … think about pain so that your body and mind respond better when you have pain. Another technique, called acceptance and …
Health topics
… Information Overview Adult protective underwear may be helpful for a person who has incontinence. A person who has … types of adult underwear. A washable type may be useful when a loved one has trouble using the disposable type. When … good fit can help stop leaks. And it can keep the skin from getting sore. Changing the underwear Always wash your hands …
Health topics
… is one of the causes of serious belly pain. It happens when the appendix , a part of the large intestine, becomes … serious. What causes it? It's often not clear why someone gets appendicitis. In some cases, a small object (such as a … what was happening before the pain began. You also may have blood and urine tests to look for signs of infection. In …