1491 results found
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… may also receive it through an organ transplantation or a transfusion, although this is rare. What are the symptoms? … toxoplasmosis, talk to your doctor. They may do specific blood tests for toxoplasmosis. If you have an impaired immune system, get the blood test for Toxoplasma gondii . If your test is positive, …
Health topics
… or weeks before. Tests done days or weeks before surgery Blood count (hematocrit): This blood test can reveal whether you are anemic (have a low red … need to be increased before or during surgery with a blood transfusion. Prothrombin time (PT, also referred to as INR) …
Health topics
… Indirect Coombs Test Interactive Tools Intrauterine Fetal Blood Transfusion Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis Juvenile … Test Coombs Test C-Reactive Protein (CRP) Test Fetal Blood Sampling (FBS) During Pregnancy Gallium Scan Hepatitis …
Health topics
… is surgery to treat coronary artery disease. It helps blood make a detour, or bypass, around one or more narrowed … or blocked coronary arteries. These arteries are the blood vessels that bring blood to the heart muscle. This is also called coronary …
Health topics
… or narrow coronary artery. Coronary arteries are the blood vessels that bring oxygen to the heart muscle. It may … percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). Angioplasty helps blood flow more normally to the heart muscle. If you have … or blocked coronary artery, Coronary arteries are the blood vessels that supply oxygen-rich blood to the heart …
Health topics
… and Circulation Learning Center Learn about your heart and blood circulation It's not always easy to tell if you're having problems with blood vessels in your heart and your body. You can't feel … a scary thought for anyone who is concerned about high blood pressure or high cholesterol. Plaque buildup can have …
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… Arterial Disease Peripheral Arterial Disease: Pulse and Blood Pressure Measurement Smoking and Coronary Artery … Supraventricular Tachycardia (SVT) Ventricular Tachycardia Blood Pressure Blood Pressure Screening High Blood Pressure High Blood …
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… for everyone involved in your care to read Umbilical cord blood collection The blood from an umbilical cord contains stem cells, which can be used to treat a wide variety of conditions. This blood can be banked and used for research purposes, or …
Health topics
… the virus and the infection it causes are called HIV. White blood cells are an important part of the immune system. HIV infects and destroys certain white blood cells called CD4+ cells. If too many CD4+ cells are … or the United States for HIV to be transmitted by blood transfusions or organ transplants. The window period After …
Health topics
… means that your body doesn't have enough iron to make red blood cells . Iron is important because it helps you get … uses iron to make hemoglobin. This is a part of your red blood cells. Hemoglobin carries oxygen through your body. If … If your anemia is severe, your doctor may give you a blood transfusion. Self-Care If you have iron deficiency anemia, …